There were eleven attendees.  Apologies were received from two members.

Review issues from the previous meeting

Paul and Rachel Elliston in Peru

Roger provided David with a DVD of a video from Paul and Rachel’s website Action Point: David to view content of DVD to check if this could be used for a Parish presentation.

Traidcraft Stall

It was decided that we would try and find a date for the first stall early in the New Year.  Action Point: David to contact Linnett to let her know.

Fairtrade Parish Tea/Coffee

As previously discussed we are now regularly using Fairtrade tea/coffee in the Social Centre, and have been accredited an official Fairtrade Parish.  However the occasional non-Fairtrade item is still appearing in the Social Centre.  Action Point: Father Bryan to put the Fairtrade Parish posters in the church and to remind anyone who supplies the Social Centre of this commitment.

Manna Centre Collection

Dates for the Harvest (food) and tolietries collections were confirmed as 11th/12th October and 8th/9th November respectively.  Also Bandi Mbubi would speak on 2nd November about the work of the Centre.

Jesuit Refugee Service

Action Point: Breda to confirm a JRS speaker on either 23rd or 30th November.

Environmental Issues

Roger presented his draft Environmental document to the group for discussion.  It was agreed that such a huge issue would probably require a smaller sub-group to work upon the issues raised.  Action Point: Roger to continue work on the draft document, sub-group to be set up.

Upcoming Events

One World Week: Father Bryan informed the group that after last year’s successful event at St James it had been decided by the Petts Wood Churches Together group that the talk by Anne Widdecombe at Petts Wood Methodist Church would constitute this year’s event. 

Remembrance Day – It was decided not to provide white poppies from the Peace Pledge Union alongside the traditional red poppies available from the British Legion.

Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 11th November, 8pm in the Social Centre