Present: Father Bryan, Teresa, Mary, Diana, Roger and Owen. Apologies:  David and Breda.


1                                            Review of the Traidcraft Stall


1.1                                      It was reported that the feedback from Linnett was very positive.  We had very appreciative comments back from the congregation and also the stall after the Masses was well supported by parishioners.


1.2                                      It was agreed that Linnett should be asked to return to talk at a Mass in early September – it was agreed that the weekend of 11/12 September would be appropriate Linnett could be asked to give a brief talk at the end of Mass with a stall for Traidcraft items available afterwards.


2                                            The Manna Centre


2.1                                      Following discussion it was agreed that the next Manna Centre collection should be held on the weekend of the 13/14 June.  The last collection was for clothes and it was anticipated that a collection coinciding with the Harvest Festival in October would be for food items.  It was agreed therefore that the June collection should be for toiletries.  It was agreed however that Madeleine should be asked to confirm with the Manna Centre that a collection of toiletries would be appropriate in June. 


2.2                                      Two volunteers would be needed to deal with the items given at each Mass.  It was agreed that Diana would coordinate this at the 6:00 pm Mass.  Roger at the 10:00 am Mass and Owen at the 11:30 am Mass.  Each might ask a volunteer to help them.


3                                            Feedback update from the Environment Working Party


Roger reported the progress made by the Environment Working Party.  Initiatives include the posting of the background paper on the website as well as minutes of the meetings. A meeting with the Youth Group has been arranged in order to discuss ideas they might have about the environment.  Energy consumption assessments for the Church and Social Centre have been prepared.  The installation of bicycle racks is being investigated.


4                                            Jesuit Refugee Service


There has no feedback from the JRS about a speaker on the voucher scheme. 


5                                            Any other business


The possibility of having bidding prayers and Mass intentions which include issues of social justice was discussed.  Further consideration will be given to taking this forward.


The possibility of arranging Christmas box collections of toys and other items for children in needy families was discussed.  Roger would investigate one scheme he had heard of (Samaritan’s Purse) and Mary would check to see if St James’ School might be considering such an initiative.  This would be a good opportunity for church and school to work together.