There were 8 attendees. Apologies were received from Father Bryan.


Contact details of current Justice and Peace group members were circulated and updated.


Burma cyclone / China earthquake – Our response

We decided to ask Father Bryan to arrange a retiring collection after the Saturday/Sunday masses on 17th/18th May respectively. This was a very successful approach for the tsunami appeal in 2004. There was some discussion as to whether the money raised should go direct to CAFOD, Christian Aid or the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). Action Point: David to check what CAFOD suggests and to ask Father Bryan to organize collection.


Review Issues from Last Meeting

Paul and Rachel Elliston in Peru

Paul and Rachel finally arrived in Peru on 10th April and have been taking an orientation course in the capital Lima prior to their move to Chincha. They have visited the town and are trying to find accommodation there. They have both been ill with stomach bugs but are struggling bravely through. David has printed off copies of their first e-mail updates and left them in the church porch. Those with internet access can log onto for the latest news.


Overseas Parish / Sponsor a Teacher

Again it was suggested that we could set up a formal link with an overseas parish. We agreed that it was important to have some ongoing contact with the parish for regular updates. This could mean contacting priests who had previously worked at St James. Alternatively we could ask members of the Parish for suggestions as full parish involvement is essential. It was further suggested that we could raise this at the Parish Forum and/or put something in Briefly.

The Sponsor a Teacher idea was originally brought up by one of the Year Six parents at St James’ School. It was hoped to be an option for Paul and Rachel but the delay in obtaining their visas means that this cannot be organized in time.

Action Point: David to discuss options with Father Bryan.


Fairtrade Coffee Mornings

Breda confirmed that, once the current tins of Nescafe run out, we will start serving Fairtrade coffee in the Social Centre. It was suggested that we have an official “launch” once this happens, with a note in Briefly and something in the Social Centre suggesting people buy their Fairtrade coffee etc from the Rainbow Christian Centre in Queensway.


Sale of Traidcraft Goods

Madeleine will follow up with Lynette Anderson


Manna Centre Collection

We would like to set up a regular collection point, probably in the Social Centre, where parishioners could donate men’s clothes and toiletries. Action Point: David to discuss with Father Bryan


Jesuit Refugee Service

It was noted that Roger had created a link to the JRS website on the St James J&P webpage but that this did not explicitly mention the Supermarket Vouchers Exchange Scheme, where vouchers issued to refugees by the state can be purchased (legally) to provide them with cash to buy goods outside of those supermarkets.

It was suggested that we promote the scheme separately within the Parish, perhaps tying in with Refugee Week 16th-22nd June.

It was also noted that there are copies of the JRS newsletter available in the porch.


Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 10th June