Attendees (5): Owen Clutton, Madeleine Howell, David McCabe (Chair / Secretary), Teresa Wells, Roger Wright.  Apologies were received from Father Bryan (FB), Diana Betts, Doreen Hairs and Mary O’Mahony.

Election of J&P Group Officers for 2009.

David confirmed that he had received no nominations for the position of Chair so he would continue in that role.  He also stated that he would offer the position of Secretary to other members of the group when there was a larger attendance.

Review issues from the previous meeting

CAFOD Emergency Appeal for DR Congo

Again the generosity of the Parish was noted, and David mentioned that CAFOD had now raised £1.1 million.

Paul and Rachel Elliston in Peru

Roger confirmed that he had not yet received any new material from Paul.  There was also some concern expressed as to how we would best publicise Rachel and Paul’s work to the wider Parish.  It was suggested that it could form part of a wider report to the Parish on the work of the J&P group as a whole.

Traidcraft Stall

David confirmed that Linnett Anderson had kindly agreed to speak at all three Masses on 7th/8th March, and sell items from her stall after each Mass as part of the 2009 Fairtrade Fortnight (23 Feb - 08 Mar).  Action Point: It was agreed that we should assign helpers from the J&P group at our next meeting.

Manna Centre Collection

The clothing collection had been another wonderful success, so much so that for the next collection we shall have to assign members of the J&P group to empty the wheelie bins before and after each Mass.  Action Point: Madeleine to confirm date of next collection (probably May Parade Mass) and what items should be collected.

Environmental Issues

The new Environment Working Party, a J&P sub-group, had its first meeting on 6th January with five attendees: FB, Roger Wright (Chair), Caroline Price (Secretary), Owen Clutton and David McCabe.  Minutes from the meeting will be made available separately on the Parish Website once the relevant page has been set up.  Next meeting is on Wednesday 28th January at 8pm in the Social Centre.

Issues Rankings

David presented the most recent rankings of twenty J&P issues as voted for by members of the J&P group.  Having received 11 responses in 2008 the top five were 1) Asylum Seekers & Refugees, 2)  Development Agencies, e.g.CAFOD, 3) Fairtrade, 4) Environment and 5) Human Rights.

Action Point: David to update the rankings with two sheets received at the meeting, plus any new ones in the near future, and update the whole group at the next meeting so we can discuss 2009 actions.

Issues for 2009

We have discussed doing something for the Jesuit Refugee Service to tie in with Refugee Week 2009 (15th-21st June), and to look at supporting with Lenten lunches the charity Mary’s Meals ( ) which provides school meals to children in the developing world.  Action Point: To be discussed at forthcoming meetings.

Upcoming events

16th-23rd Jan Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

FB had already invited the Christ Church URC Orchestra to perform at Sunday’s 11.30am Mass, and their minister Pauline Sparks will give the sermon.  He will return the favour the week after! We suggested that this week’s bidding prayers should reflect this theme.

18th Jan Peace Sunday: “Combating Poverty, Building Peace”

31st Jan-8th Feb Poverty and Homelessness Action Week

Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 10th February, 8pm in the Social Centre