Attendees (6): Owen Clutton, Breda Ford, Madeleine Howell, David McCabe,  Caroline Price and Roger Wright.

Apologies were received from (5): Father Bryan (FB), Diana Betts, Angela Martin, Mary O’Mahoney and Teresa Wells.


Review issues from the previous meeting

Traidcraft Stall 11th/12th September

Action Point: David to confirm date with Linnett.


Manna Centre Collection

Next collection will be on 13th/14th June and will be for tinned food. Diana, and possibly Mary, will supervise the collection at 6pm Mass, Caroline and Roger at 10am Mass and Owen and David at the 11.30am Parade Mass. Action Point: Ask Mary if she can help supervise at the 6pm.


Environmental Working Party Report

Roger has added an introduction on the website, presented to the Finance Committee a heating engineer’s quote for suggested improvements and met with the Senior Youth Group to discuss future actions. David is liaising with Bromley Council re the possible installation of bicycle racks at the Church. A “Walk to Mass Weekend”, to include car sharing for those that cannot walk or cycle, has been pencilled in for the weekend of 11th/12th July.


Jesuit Refugee Service speaker

Breda has not yet been able to confirm a speaker at Mass from the JRS but will speak to them again. She has also been speaking to the Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers, so they might be able to provide an alternative speaker if required, probably for a weekend in late September.


Justice and Peace weekend 13th/14th June

It was mentioned that FB was considering making the above weekend a themed J&P one: As well as the Manna Centre collection (see above) there would be bidding prayers and perhaps Mass intentions with a Social Justice theme.


Parish Newcomers Evening 16th May

Roger and David would be representing J&P at this event. It was agreed that this would also be a good forum at which to meet and discuss with people from other St James’ groups, as well as informing newcomers of our group.


Contact with other groups – CAFOD group at St Joseph’s, Bromley

David mentioned that he had been contacted by the above group and had agreed to publicise each other’s events in both Parishes. He planned to extend this to other Churches with J&P groups in the Deanery, as well as to other Churches in Petts Wood.


Issues Rankings

David had updated the rankings, now based on thirteen responses. It was agreed that we would investigate what we could do with regards to homelessness, peace and pro-life issues.


Upcoming events

30th May JPIC Spring Assembly, Aylesford Priory 10.30am-4pm

15th-22nd June Refugee Week

17th-19th July National J&P Network Annual Conference, Swanwick


Any Other Business

It was mentioned that either St James’ School or the Church uniformed/youth groups might like to take part in a pre-Christmas  collection of shoe boxes for the needy in other parts of the world.

On a general point it was felt that the Group would like to interact more with the school in future on J&P issues. Action Point: David to speak to the school on both issues.

Roger mentioned that the Contact List provided as part of the Agenda was out-of-date, and offered to build a J&P Group distribution list. Action Points: David to update Contact List, Roger to build distribution list.


Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 9th June, 8.10pm in the Social Centre