There were ten attendees.  Apologies were received from three members.

CAFOD Emergency Appeal for DR Congo

It was agreed that we should raise funds for CAFOD’s £1million emergency appeal by use of either a retiring or second collection.  Fr Bryan had already pencilled in that weekend’s Masses but it was decided that we would probably raise more, especially including Gift Aid donations, if we gave the Parish a week’s notice.  Action Point: Fr Bryan to announce to the Parish that there would be a collection on behalf of CAFOD’s DR Congo appeal on the weekend of 22/23 November.

Review issues from the previous meeting

Paul and Rachel Elliston in Peru

David had watched the DVD that Roger had produced of a video from Paul and Rachel’s website and agreed with him that it was not of sufficient quality to be used at a Parish event.  Roger told the group that he had been in touch with Paul and that Paul was producing something more usable.  Action Points: Roger to await the new presentation from Paul in Peru, David to put the latest BMS newsletter (October) in the Church porch.

Manna Centre Collection

Everyone expressed their gratitude for the generosity of the Parish in both the food and toiletries collections.  Whilst we wanted to make these collections a regular event it was felt that continuing monthly collections would be too onerous on the Parish.  We therefore decided to have a quarterly collection to coincide with Parade Mass (2nd Sunday in each month).  Action Point: Fr Bryan to announce in advance a Manna Centre clothing collection on the weekend of 10/11 January.

Traidcraft Stall

David suggested that we now tie in our first Traidcraft stall with the 2009 Fairtrade Fortnight (23rd Feb - 8 Mar).  It was decided that the best weekend would be the Parade Mass weekend of 7/8 March.  Action Point: David to contact Linnett to check her availability.

Fairtrade Parish Tea/Coffee

It was noted that Fr Bryan had now put Fairtrade posters in the Church.

Jesuit Refugee Service

Breda confirmed that she had been unable to confirm a JRS speaker and it was agreed that we should postpone this until the New Year, perhaps to tie in with Refugee Week 2009 (15th-21st June).

Environmental Issues

Roger presented his expanded Environmental document to the group for discussion.  There followed a very interesting and wide-ranging discussion about the size of the issue, first steps and most importantly how to fully engage the Parish and Petts Wood community.  Action Point: Volunteers for a new Environment J&P sub-group to contact David/Roger, with a meeting to be held before the next full J&P meeting in January.

Automatic Resignation of J&P Chair

David stated that, after chairing the group since January, he felt that other people should be given the chance to do so.  He would still be a full member of the group, and would be happy to help with any admin required.  Action Point: Parish members who would be interested to contact David before the next meeting in January.

Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 13th January, 8pm in the Social Centre.