Attendees (4): Diana Betts, David McCabe, Mary O’Mahony and Roger Wright.

Apologies were received from Fr Bryan (FB) and Owen Clutton.


Election of J&P Secretary for 2009

David confirmed that he would offer the position of Secretary to other members of the group when there was a larger attendance.


Review issues from the previous meeting

Paul and Rachel Elliston in Peru

Roger confirmed that he had still not received any new material from Paul.


Traidcraft Stall 7-8th March

Mary kindly agreed to give Linnett a lift to and from the Saturday Mass. David would cover the Sunday Masses. Action Point: David to confirm with Linnett.


Manna Centre Collection

No update re the date of next collection. Action Point: Madeleine to confirm.


Environmental Issues

Roger updated the group on the second meeting of the EWP.


Issues Rankings

David had updated the rankings but awaited further forms.


Upcoming events

23rd Feb-8thMar Fairtrade Fortnight

6-7th March – Go Bananas! David explained that this was a sponsored banana eating challenge (one per person!) to promote Fairtrade and that he had E-mailed the acting headmaster at St James’ School to see if they wanted to take part.


Date of Next Meeting – TBA as Parish Forum clashes with normal date.