There were nine attendees.  Apologies were received from four members.


Review issues from the previous meeting

Paul and Rachel Elliston in Peru

Paul and Rachel’s latest E-mail was given to attendees: They are working with the local church to provide information about nutrition to the local people and above all to help with housing.  David confirmed that he had put up information about Paul and Rachel’s mission on the noticeboard in the Church porch but it was agreed that we should look at other ways of informing the Parish of their mission, especially using the presentations available on their website

Action Point: Roger to investigate feasibility of downloading presentations onto DVD, to be shown in the Social Centre.

Traidcraft Stall

David confirmed he had met Linnett at the stall she runs on the first Sunday of each month at the Petts Wood Methodist Church, but that she couldn’t attend our church on the weekend we had suggested.  The alternative weekend agreed upon was 25th/26th October, and that Linnett would speak briefly at all three Masses and sell goods from her stall afterwards.

Action Point: David to contact Linnett again.  (Update – Linnett is booked in for our chosen weekend!)

Fairtrade Parish Tea/Coffee

We are now regularly using Fairtrade tea/coffee in the Social Centre, and this will be formally announced on the same weekend that Linnett sets up her stall.  It was felt that there were not many other Traidcraft items that we could stock the Social Centre with.  Supplies will be bought from the Rainbow shop in Queensway or from Linnett if required.

Manna Centre Collection

As last year there will be a harvest collection for the Manna Centre, this year on the weekend of 11th/12th October.  We would like to follow this up with another collection, possibly for toiletries, towels or clothes, on the weekend of 8th/9th November, using our newly-acquired wheelie-bins!

Action Points: Madeleine to ask for a speaker from the Manna centre, and to confirm which items we should ask for on the second collection weekend.

Jesuit Refugee Service

We again discussed the work of the JRS, including their Supermarket Voucher Exchange scheme, and the best way of publicising it to the Parish. 


Action Point: Breda to ask JRS for a speaker on either 23rd or 30th November.

Environmental Issues

It was agreed that a good starting point would be to look at our Church itself, and that the J&P members should demonstrate to the parish what we can do to help the environment.  Also Bishop Declan Lang of Bristol is in charge of environmental matters for the Catholic Church in England & Wales.

Action Point: Roger to arrange a calculation of the carbon footprint of Church and Social Centre.


Any Other Business

It was suggested that for Lent next year we support the charity Mary’s Meals ( which provides school meals to children in the developing world.  It costs from just £5.30 to feed a child at school for a year!  We agreed to organise some Lenten lunches to support this worthy cause.


Date of Next Meeting- Tuesday 14th October, 8pm in the`Social Centre


Meeting closed at approximately 9.25pm