There were seven attendees.  An apology was received from Caroline Price.


Minutes for the previous meeting were distributed and agreed.  Action Point: David to send Roger an electronic copy for the St James website.


Paul and Rachel Elliston in Peru

Paul and Rachel’s improving situation in finding somewhere to live and starting to work out an action plan was discussed.  Unfortunately we missed the chance to send them some “home comforts” as Paul’s brother Simon flew to Peru before Father Bryan could arrange it with him.  We await further information as to how we can practicably help.  Action Point: David will put up a copy of the BMS newsletter in the Church porch so parishoners can find out more about them.


Action points for the summer


Traidcraft Stall

It was agreed that we should ask Linnett Anderson from the Petts Wood Methodist Church to speak about Traidcraft at Mass on the weekend of 11th/12th October, and set up her stall at the back of the Church so parishoners can buy or order items on the same day(s).  Action Point: David to contact Linnett. 


Fairtrade Parish Tea/Coffee

Although we are moving towards only using Fairtrade tea/coffee in the Social Centre already we would like to officially announce this fact as a tie-in with Linnett’s first stall.  Action Point: Breda to check Traidcraft catalogue and decide how to order tea/coffee and possibly other goods in the future.


Manna Centre Collection

We agreed that we would start a regular monthly collection for the Manna Centre, hopefully starting on the first Sunday (4th/5th) of October, with a speaker at Mass and a wheelie-bin at the back of the Church for donations, Action Points: Simon to ask Madeleine to co-ordinate, Roger to source wheelie-bin.


Jesuit Refugee Service

We again discussed the Supermarket Voucher Exchange scheme run by the JRS, and the best way of publicising it to the Parish.  We thought it best if a knowledgeable speaker was able to explain the scheme and answer any questions about it at Mass, probably in November.

Action Point: Breda to ask JRS for a speaker in November.


Any Other Business

Environmental Issues

Roger asked if other members felt we should get involved in the environment, especially climate change, as this was a huge long-term issue that will affect all of us, especially the poorest countries around the world.  David noted that this issue did indeed rank highly on the issues members listing, so it was something we should get involved with.  Everyone agreed that we should look at ways of getting the Parish involved, especially the Youth Groups.  Father Bryan said that this could tie in well with the year of St Paul that runs until next June. 

It was mentioned that we use too much paper as a Parish and that perhaps we could look at ways of cutting down.  David suggested that any future building work around the Church or Social Centre might include installing solar panels.

Action Point: All members to think of ways of getting involved to discuss at the next J&P meeting.


Date of Next Meeting- Tuesday 9th September, 8pm in the`Social Centre

David stated his intention of starting to invite other J&P groups both in the Deanery and from other churches in Petts Wood,


Meeting closed at approximately 9.25pm