There were 8 attendees.


Apologies were received from Father Bryan, Doreen Hairs, and David McCabe.



Item and /or  decisions taken



Issues Ranking forms were circulated to be filled in and returned



Decided to circulate members contact details again



Recap of previous meeting. General appreciation of Passover Meal and anticipation of repeat next year



Review of issues from previous meeting:


a)Paul and Rachel update.

·                     Visas to visit Peru have been obtained.

·                     Regular emails have been received which contained links to ‘Prayer’ and ‘Financial Support’ websites

·                     Mass for Paul and Rachel and their venture scheduled  for last Monday in April

 b) Overseas Parish/Sponsor-a-teacher. A was envisaged at some time in the future with a parish abroad, preferably where a contact had already been established. 

c) Fair-trade

·                     It was decided to promote further Fair-trade Coffee Mornings: Peter and Joe on the after-Mass coffee group to be approached re practicality of regularly purchasing Fair-trade coffee and sugar and to examine the economics of such a move. Father Bryan to be approached about a promotional  insert in Briefly.

·                      Sale of Tradecraft goods to be further investigated.

d) Manna Centre Collection. It was suggested that goods be donated weekly for monthly collection by Manna Centre. Father Bryan to be asked about storage.









Simon and Mary to pursue












Supermarket Vouchers Exchange (a scheme run by the Jesuit Refugee Service) whereby vouchers issued to refugees by the state can be purchased (legally)  from refugees to provide them with cash.

Leaflets were passed to members. Discussion on how to promote the scheme. Roger to be approached to create links on our website to the Jesuit scheme 









Two forthcoming events were mentioned:

·                     Diocesan JPIC Spring Assembly, Aylesford 19th April 2008 10.30-4pm ‘Migration – Blessing or Curse?’

·                     J&P Group Tea Party at St Patrick’s, Chislehurst, 10th May 3pm-5pm Speaker David Murray from CAFOD.



Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Next Meeting – Tuesday, 13th May