Last Sunday’s Mass attendance – 645

Mass Intentions

This Sunday



People of the Parish



Frances Raymond, RIP (Pam Lundy & family)



Guy, Dorothy and Arthur Fry, RIP (B Bridle)

Daily Morning Prayer           Monday – Friday at 9.10am

Weekday Masses.                9.30am unless otherwise stated

Monday Feria


CWL – Priests in Southwark Diocese

Tuesday Feria


Rita Doherty- Cassidy, RIP (Mary Kelly)


No Mass this evening

Wednesday SS Simon and Jude


Mary Bridget Jackman, RIP (Angela Martin)

Thursday Feria


Lionel D’Rozario, RIP (F&S Simon)

Friday Feria


Mary Upton, RIP (F&S Simon)

Next Sunday, 1st November – All Saints (B)



Chris Barrett, RIP (K Livingston)



Des Kelly, RIP (M Kelly)



People of the Parish

Confessions: Saturday 5.30-6.00pm and Monday 10.00-10.30am.  Also by prior arrangement or at call.

Exposition:  Silent adoration and Benediction on Monday 10.00-10.30am.

Welcome to Mass today and a special welcome to visitors and newer members of our congregation.  Today’s gospel is Jesus restoring a blind man’s sight.  It is a very important story and we are invited to imagine ourselves as Bartimaeus, the blind beggar.  Like him we all need clear vision.  Blindness, as we know, can take many forms.   “Master, may we see again.”

On Sunday we welcome Fr Joseph Karukayil from St Joseph’s Bromley who will be presiding at all Masses.  I know you will make him welcome.

Next Sunday 1st November is the solemnity of All Saints and Monday 2nd November is All Souls day when we pray for the departed.

Monday 26th October CWL meeting at 7.30pm; a guest speaker Elaine Budden will talk about sending Christmas shoe boxes to Romania.  All parishioners welcome.

Firm Believers will not be meeting this coming Tuesday evening (half-term).  It will resume on Tuesday 3rd November at 7.00pm when, as always, newcomers will be especially welcome.

Parish Survey discussion at the Parish Forum notes now available on the parish website or you can obtain a paper copy from parish office Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00am-1.00pm.  The main points are:

       strong majority support for redevelopment;

       genuine concerns about cost;

       many helpful comments received at the meeting (see the notes);

       we now consult further with parish groups, other churches which have refurbished or rebuilt, and the Archdiocese;

       professional advice will be sought when and if appropriate;

       we will report to parish as early as possible in 2010;

       many thanks to everyone who has supported and shown such an interest in the project;

       any parishioner is most welcome to become involved (contact Scoping Team: Austin Barradell, Andrew Dalgleish, Chris Hairs or Roger Wright).

Parish Welcome Booklet  We plan to produce an amendment sheet to bring things up to date but need to know all the details!  Would every Parish Group please review their entries (including the Contacts List in the centre) and advise any changes to Chris Hairs

Help! Catechists needed!  If you are going to enrol please do so today as we need to have appropriate resources for the course (forms to 281A as soon as possible please)The course starts on Wednesday 4th November at 7.45pm in the church meeting room (adjacent to sacristy).

Become a Welcomer?  Why not join the Welcoming Team (for the Mass you are attending anyway)?  What’s involved?

       join the rota and welcome people approximately every 4-6 weeks (or less), arranging a “swap” if the date is not convenient;

       just 20 minutes before Mass to greet, and to hand out Mass sheets & Briefly and 5-10 minutes afterwards to tidy up church and porch tables;

       an opportunity to meet other parishioners.

Please put your name and contact number on list in porch or contact Mary WaltersWe really do need you!

Archbishop Kevin enjoyed his visit last Sunday.  Many thanks to everyone who helped prepare the church for this occasion.  Photos on our website.

I hope our children and young people have a restful and positive half term week.  Every blessing, Fr Bryan.

Church and Social Centre Rotas Wednesday 28th October


Church cleaning

B Bridle E Chavennes

P Flockhart /N Purves / M Howell


Next Sunday 1st November



Coffee 10.00am

Coffee 11.30am

Paul Cosgrave

R Monaghan

M Shea

T Wrafter

C Price

S Fernandes

K Salter

P Flockhart

A Huntington

S Ingle



6.00pm Sat.



C Kiely

I Callinan

M Morley

W Morley

D Ducat

P Dabrowski



Ministers of Holy Communion

6.00pm Sat.



P Cosgrave

C Cosgrave

H Rothan

A Babb

B Babb

W David

D Hairs

M Howell

M Morley

P Murray

C Price

A Scripture

V Terry

M Travers

T Troy

M Akpata-Adesida

B Bridle



6.00pm Sat.



N D’Silva

C Dale

J Gibson

E Lams/S Barradell

M Cooper