Last Sunday Mass Attendance – 595


Mass Intentions


This Sunday

                   6.00pm (Sat)  People of the Parish

                   10.00am  Patrick, Eileen and William Keane RIP

                   11.30am  Widows of KSC


Morning Prayer  This week: Wed-Sat.,9.10am


Weekday Masses


Monday        9.15am  Requiem (funeral) Mass for Jessie Brockwell RIP

Tuesday       Christmas Day

              Midnight - People of the Parish

                   8.30am - Those in hospital

                          10.00am - Love in family life

                   11.30am - Private intention.

Wednesday  9.30am St.Stephen (martyr) - Claire Draper (welfare)

Thursday     9.30am St.John (apostle/evangelist)- Ann McGee (welfare)

Friday          9.30am Holy Innocents (martyrs)- all departed children RIP        

Saturday      9.30am St Thomas of Canterbury (bishop and martyr).  Our government.


Next Sunday 30th December – Feast of the Holy Family


                   6.00pm (Sat) Private intention

                   10.00am God’s blessing on 2008

                   11.30am People of the Parish


Confessions heard Saturday, 10.15am-10.45am and 5.30pm-5.50pm, or after any   weekday Mass on request.  Exposition-Monday (24th) but NOT 31st.(Resumes 7th.)

Welcome to Mass at St James’, Petts Wood –and a special welcome to any visitors who are in the area for Christmas! You are most welcome here and we hope you will enjoy your stay. Detailed information about our parish can be found on our website:


This week we celebrate Christmas (Christ’s Mass) and Mass times are elsewhere on this sheet and on the porch board. Before then, however we have two very special non-eucharistic celebrations to help us prepare spiritually for the feast:


  1. This evening (Sun.23rd) – at 6.30pm –‘Now Thrice Welcome Christmas.’ – a celebration of the season in carols, readings, poetry and Christmas music, featuring Tim Wells (‘cello) and Dominique Wong-Min (piano’) and followed by mulled wine and mice pies in the Social Centre. I do hope this will be well supported –it is one of those rare occasions that we can all get together (from the three Sunday Masses). With many thanks to Marie and Bill Morley.


  1. Tomorrow (Christmas Eve-24th )–at 4.30pm – our Christingle Service-

Especially for the children of the parish – but grown-ups welcome too!

This is simple but effective celebration of Christ our Light and the service will focus on children around the world who do not find life easy.

We shall collect in the Mission Together Boxes (Children helping Children) – and shall eventually send this money to help children in Equador, S.America. (It is still not too late to take a box, and it can be returned up to mid-January.)

Please encourage/bring your children to the Christingle Service – a new venture for our parish. It will last about 45 mins. The Christingles are being made today (Sun.) betewen the 10am and 11.30am Masses, in the Social Centre. With many thanks to Mary Hutchinson and Clare Wakefield.


Tomorrow (Monday 24th): at 9.15am Funeral Mass for Jessie Brockwell RIP. Our thoughts and prayers are with husband Tony, and Jessie’s whole family. I know many of you will wish to attend-please NB time. To be followed by cremation at Beckenham crem. at 10.30am.


 New Year’s Day – January 1st 2008- Mass will be at 12 noon followed  by drinks in the presbytery.


Journey in Faith. If you are not a Catholic and would like to learn a little    more about the Catholic Faith, you are warmly invited to come on the Journey of Faith (without any obligation). You may have been moved by something during Christmas period. If so, do come along: Monday evenings, at 281A, Crescent Drive (presbytery) re-commencing on Monday January 7th. In      addition, I am always happy to talk to any enquirers – do not hesitate to ring me on 01689-827100.


Teresa and I thank you most sincerely for all your cards and gifts and in return, may I thank you ALL for your kindness and support over the past year, in so many ways. It is a privilege to serve in this parish and I look forward with great enthusiasm to continuing Christ’s mission, with you, as we go into the New Year.


A special thank you  to all who have prepared the church for Christmas, and who have made it worthy for the great mystery we celebrate- and to ALL who work throughout the year to ‘incarnate’ Christ in this place.


May you have a joyful and peaceful Christmas Season (which ends on Jan.6th) and I wish you and your loved ones every blessing for the coming week.   Fr.Bryan.



‘Who could doubt the greatness of this event- that the exalted ruler of the world should come down from such a great distance to a place that was so unworthy?  Why, then, did he come down? We know why, because what he actually said and did tell us clearly the reason for his coming. He hurried down from the mountains to look among the hundred of sheep for the one that had gone astray. He came for our sake, so that his mercy and his wonderful deeds would proclaim to the human race even more visibly the praise of the Lord.


How wonderful is the condescension of the God who seeks us, and how great is the dignity of those who are sought by him! All the wealth and all the glory of the world and everything that is desirable in the world-none of this means so much as this great honour. Nothing can be compared with it. Lord, what is the human race, that you have made it so great? Why are you so attached to it?


It would have been more appropriate, surely, if we had come to him. But two things prevented us from doing that. Our eyes were clouded and he dwells in inaccessible light. And we were crippled and could not come to him. That is why he came to us - he, the physician of our souls.’


Bernard of Clairvaux – (1090-1153.)



Church and Social Centre Rotas


Wednesday Coffee

 Church Cleaning 


Boxing Day     


Boxing Day





Next Sunday 30th December




Coffee 10 am

Coffee 11.30

A Stanley

B Meehan

P Dabrowski

N Longhurst

C D’Arcy

T Lowe

A O’Neil

P Flockhart




6 pm Sat.

10.00 am

11.30 am

E Evans

T Garton

P Crosland

C Delf

R Murphy

C Newman


Ministers of Holy Communion


6 pm Sat.

10.00 am

11.30 am

M Hutchinson

P Kenny

J McKinlay

H Rothan

A Babb

M Kelly

M Morley

W Morley

P Murray

M O’Sullivan

C Price

D O’Neil

P Powell

A Scripture

V Terry

M Travers

O Clutton