Last Sunday Mass Attendance – 663


Mass Intentions

This Sunday

                                      6.00 pm (Sat)   Foley family (welf.)

                            10.00 am         William Ashton RIP

                            11.30 am         People of the Parish


Morning Prayer   this week on Mon, Fri and Sat only at 9.10am


Weekday Masses


Monday                9.30am            Feria - Louis Borg RIP

Tuesday               11.00am          Funeral Mass for Edmund Bryant RIP

Wednesday          11.30am          Funeral Mass for Edward Philpot RIP

Thursday              12 noon          Funeral Mass for Mary Kathleen Driscoll RIP

Friday                   9.30am            Feria - Kelly family (welf.)

Saturday               9.30am            Feria - Ann Sawyer RIP


Next Sunday January 20th 2008 − Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

                            6.00pm (Sat)    Alice Sibley RIP

                            10.00am          People of the Parish

                            11.30am          Ted Bryant RIP


Confessions heard Saturday 10.15-10.45am and 5.30-5.50pm, or after any weekday Mass on request.


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament − Monday 10am-12 noon


Today is the feast of the baptism of Christ.  At 30 years of age Jesus commits himself to his mission, and is revealed as the beloved Son of God, full of God’s Spirit. We, too, are the beloved children of God, and through our baptism and confirmation we receive the gift of God’s Holy Spirit so that we can witness to Christ and build up the kingdom of God in the world of today. May today’s feast inspire us all afresh to do just that.


So it is appropriate that we welcome, through Holy Baptism, Daniel Akester (22 mths), his parents Magmura and Robert, and godparents Maria and Kenneth (Sat.4.30pm).


This afternoon (Sun.) - St John Passion rehearsal -  An excellent start last week with 60 singers.  More needed.


With sadness – but in hope- we commend to God three people this week:


Ted Bryant was known to many of you and we extend our sympathy to Eugenie and all the family (Tuesday 11am, followed by burial at Biggin Hill.).  Ted had signed up to sing in the Bach Passion.  Donations please to Salvation Army or British Legion.


Ted Philpot (Crescent Drive) and his family was also known to many of you and we offer our sympathy to wife Judith and all the family (Wednesday 11.30am, followed by cremation at Beckenham.)


Kathleen Driscoll (Sidcup) is Patrick’s mother and we offer our sympathy to husband Jim, Patrick and all the family.  Kathleen had reached the age of 97. (Thursday 12 noon, followed by burial in Sidcup.)  Jim is a former head teacher, known to some of you, and Patrick is one of our Eucharistic Ministers.


So the daily Mass this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be the funeral Masses, NOT 9.30am (see front cover).  I know many of you will wish to attend these Masses.  May the departed rest in peace-and rise in glory.


MondayConfirmation course starts (young people in years 8 and 9) from 6.45-7.45pm (come to the hall).  Also Journey in Faith continues at 8.00pm (281A, Crescent Drive.).  Any non-Catholic 18 plus is most welcome to join this group (we are about 11 at the moment.) We finish promptly at 9.30pm.


Confirmation Archbishop Kevin will administer confirmation here on May 15th. If you are an adult baptized Catholic but have never been confirmed, can I encourage you?  We have two such people at present and we shall organize a special short course- so please, do have a word with me if you are in this category.


First Communion Classes for children at -Catholic Schools (year 3 children). These start TODAY (Sun.) at the end of the 10am Mass, until about 11.30am. Parents please register children today, at the latest next Sunday (contact: Miriam Travers).


Parish Registration It is very important to register with the parish. Please complete a form TODAY if necessary (forms in porch) and return to Fr Bryan.


Monday Jan 21st  Food Tasting Session (Social Centre  Please bring a home-made dessert to share over coffee (with accomp. recipe.) £1 entrance.  Contact: Julie Lamb


Three very big ‘thank-yous’

To all who cleared away the Christmas decorations etc. after the 11.30 Mass last Sunday;


To Frank (Simon), Pat (Troy) and Terry (Redmond) who gave several hours of their time in the aftermath of theft of copper from the church roof; (please always report suspicious people/behavior to me and or police-thank you.)


To Breda (Ford) and Frank for helping to bale out the church after the heavy rain on Friday.


And to all who do so much to support our life together here at St.James.


Parish Administrator The paper work of a parish just seems to grow and grow (!) and so I have appointed Claire Stone as part-time Parish Administrator.  Claire will work in the Presbytery on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, 9.30am-12.30pm. Messages for me can be left with Claire and she will handle the routine matters of the parish office.  I should be grateful if callers to the presbytery would ring the 281A bell, which is the ‘parish’ side of the Presbytery.


With very good wish for this coming week.  Fr Bryan.



Church and Social Centre Rotas


Wednesday Coffee

Church Cleaning 16th January

B Bridle

B D’Arcy

B Babb

E O’Connor



Next Sunday 20th January




Coffee 10 am

Coffee 11.30

P Troy

W Fleeman

Philip Cosgrave

P Kenny

C Battista

S David

V Volney




6 pm Sat.

10.00 am

11.30 am

J Mulvey

S Paris

M Morley

R Oakley Smith

P Dabrowski

J Gibson


Ministers of Holy Communion


6 pm Sat.

10.00 am

11.30 am

H Rothan

A Babb

B Babb

B Bajorek

J Bajorek

W Morley

P Murray

M O’Sullivan

C Price

C Wakefield

T Wells

D Walters

C Hawes

M Akpata-Adesida

B Bridle

A Bunnage

O Clutton