This Third Sunday of Advent, halfway through the preparation for Christmas, is traditionally known as Gaudete (”Rejoice”) Sunday.


It is all very well for St Paul to tell us not to worry, to be happy and to place all of our desires before God.  Easier said than done!  Moreover how can we be sure that all our prayers will be answered?  How can they be, if you pray for rain and we pray for sunshine?


The only true prayer is Jesus’ own prayer to the Father – being absolutely convinced of the Father’s love for him and he, in turn carrying out the Father’s will – “your kingdom come, your will be done.”  (Not mine...)

We think we know what will make us happy, but the only true recipe for happiness is to leave it to God, in the knowledge that our human perception is short-sighted and incomplete.


“There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving.”  This is from today’s second reading from Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  This is the basis of true happiness.


Notices for this week




We welcome, on Saturday at 4.30pm, through Holy Baptism, Nathan Terence Dominic Cracknell (4 months), his parents Juliet and Michael, and godparents Francis, Andrew and Suzanne.


We welcome our uniformed groups to Parade Mass at 11.30am, and we have the over 60s lunch, with many thanks to Lee Allen and the Guides for providing this wonderful event.


11.00am Making Christingles (for next Sunday)




8.00pm – Journey in Faith Advent party (for those who have been invited) in the Presbytery at 8.00pm.


Tuesday 15/12/09

6.15pm – Please come and sing carols at Petts Wood Station for Harris HospiceCare (until about 7.00pm, then mince pies at Methodist Church).


Mass at 7.15pm – a quite, relaxed, and reflective celebration...a little different.


8.00pm Christmas choir practice (NB until 10.00pm).


Wednesday 16/12/09

9.30am Mass with St James’ School in church.





Youth Group Christmas party and games, 12noon – 2.30pm for years 7-11.


Next Sunday





And “Now Thrice Welcome Christmas”

3.30pm Christmas Choir practice.


5.30pm Christingle Service for children and parents, light refreshments at 6.00pm.


6.30pm “Now Thrice Welcome Christmas” with carols, choir, readings and poems.  Followed by mince pies, mulled wine, etc at 7.30pm.

Much work has gone into these events and they will be a wonderful pre- Christmas celebration for the whole parish, so please come along to all or any (6.30pm service not really suitable for very young children).




7.00pm onwards – decorating the church for Christmas.  All hands on deck.  Please come and help as it is a big job.  Young people especially welcome.  There is a list in the porch.



Notices and Items of Interest

Volunteers are needed to deliver the Petts Wood Churches Together Christmas services cards.  Please take one of the brown envelopes from the table in the porch.  They can be delivered any time between now and next Sunday.  Many thanks to the Scouts and young people for their help!



Firm Believers fitness breaks for Christmas after next Tuesday 15th December, and restarts on Tuesday 5th January.



Christmas Mass and confession times are on porch notice board and on the website.



First Holy Communion on 12th June 2010.  Parents of children Year 3 and above NOT at Catholic schools should take a letter from the porch.


Confirmation on Tuesday 18th May 2010 at 7.30pm with Bishop Pat Lynch.  Young people in school years 8 and 9 who would like to be confirmed should take a letter from the porch.


Don’t forget to visit our parish website:  www.!    Please continue to support our online shopping fundraising! 

If you would like to donate to charity and help the environment, instead of sending individual cards please write your Christmas wishes as indicated for display in the porch and put a donation in the Holy Souls Box (in porch).

                                                                                                           Every blessing Fr Bryan.


Mass attendance last week – 648


Masses during the Week of Sunday 13th December 2009

The 3rd Sunday of Advent (C)



People of the Parish



Fr J Tinneny, OFM, RIP (Myriam Stanley)



Reg Smith, RIP (A Kenny)



St John of the Cross


Hannah O’Connor, RIP (Ned O’Connor)




Bridget Prebble, RIP (P & A Murray)



Kenneth Jackson, RIP (M Jackson)




John O’Neill, RIP (M Scott)




David Jewitt, RIP (P & A Murray)




Kenneth Jackson, RIP

Next Sunday 20th December, 4th Sunday of Advent (C)



Frances Raymond, RIP (Pam Lundy and family)



People of the Parish



Deceased members of the Kearns family (M Thompson)


Daily Morning Prayer: Monday – Friday at 9.10am

Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday at 9.30am and Tuesday 7.15pm unless otherwise stated

Confessions are heard: Saturday at 5.00-5.30pm and Monday at 10.00-10.30am

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Mondays at 10.00-10.30am