Last Sunday Mass Attendance – 622


Mass Intentions

This Sunday

                (Sat)   6.00pm    Teresa Lineham (Welf.)

                     10.00am   Wayne Rutledge RIP

                      11.30am   People of the Parish


Daily Morning Prayer   Monday – Saturday at 9.10am


Weekday Masses

Monday         9.30am     Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion

Tuesday        9.30am     Feria - Mary Webb RIP

Wednesday   9.30am     Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion

Thursday       9.30am     Feria - Priv. Intent (Found.Mass) & Patricia McElroy RIP

Friday            9.30am     St. Stanislaus (Bp/Martyr) 

                                      Ivy & Denis Nelligan (Wedding Anniversary)

Saturday        9.30am     Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion

Next Sunday 13 April 2008Fourth Sunday of Easter

                (Sat)   6.00pm    Edward Cushman RIP

                     10.00am   People of the Parish

                     11.30am   Kathleen Rooney RIP

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm and (from Monday April 21st) Monday 10.00am-10.20am

(NO EXPOSITION April 7th or 14th-resumes 21st)



Welcome to Mass today the Gospel reading is a story about the healing of memories. It is only when we understand, and come to terms with our past that we can move forward into the future. We are all on a ‘’journey to Emmaus’ and we are invited by Christ to recognise him as the scriptures are read and as he breaks bread for us, and as he accompanies us through life.


This week


·         No confirmation or Journey in Faith sessions for two weeks, next meeting for both is 21st April.


·         Please note that the 9.30am service on Monday and Wednesday this week will be Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion.


·         No Confessions or Exposition on Mondays 7th and 14th (resumes on 21st).


·         Tuesday – Justice and Peace Group, 8.0pm. Updates on Rachel and Paul (Elliston) who should fly to Peru this week.


·         Also an invitation from St .Patrick’s, Chislehurst J and P group to tea party there- Sat, May 10th, speaker: David Murray from CAFOD.


·         Welcomers still wanted!! Come on, folks, please sign up - not a big job-but a vital one - slips in porch. Thanks.)


Our congratulations to Adam and Anne-Marie (nee Aleppo) MacDonald who were married here yesterday (Sat).


Gift Aid envelopes  (named) now available at the front of the church.  Geoff Ford (Gift Aid Administrator) writes: ‘Thanks to all who gift-aided their 1st and 2nd collection offerings during the past tax year. If there are any gift-aiders who are concerned that the tax they have paid is not at least equal to the refund we will seek (currently 28p for each £1 put in the envelopes) please contact Geoff Ford as soon as possible. If you wish to know the total recorded amount of your offerings (eg, for a Tax Return to I.R.) please also let me know.

Boxes for 2008-9 are at the front of the church (left.) If any taxpayers who are not yet in the Gift Aid scheme would like to join (at no cost themselves), please also speak to me. Thank you.’


(Geoff is usually around between the Sunday morning Masses.)


Congratulations! To Pauline Sammon  (Head Teacher, St James’ School) who has been appointed Senior Primary Advisor for the Borough of Bromley. Lucky Bromley (!). The Governors now have the task of appointing a new Head for September who will be taking over one of the most successful schools in the country, due largely to Pauline’s leadership over the past 11 years. There will be much more to say in due course, but in the meantime we send our sincerest congratulations to Pauline and wish her and all the staff a happy and productive summer term.


Face Painters wanted !

Face painters and make up artists are wanted for the three Hope 08 events (Christian Outreach ): May 5th-Bank Holiday- Petts Wood May Day celebrations; Sat.June 28th (Southborough Primary School Fair); and Sat.July 5th Family Fun Day,(Southborough Recreation Ground.)

If you can help please contact my colleague Rev.Neil le Tissier (Minister, Southborough Baptist Church):   (tel: 01689-828547)


Confession Times

Please note that confessions are now heard on Saturdays ( and, in addition (from April 21st) on Mondays, (10.00am-10.20am.) Confessions are no longer heard on Saturday mornings.


Confirmation The Away-Day venue for the candidates has now been changed and will now be at Bishop Challoner School, Shortlands (Saturday, May 26th, Would parents please take (new) letter from porch- thank you.


A happy school holiday to our children and young people! I shall be away for a few days this week- if a priest is urgently required please contact Canon John Watts (01689-817537) or Fr.Bill Agley (01689-821749). Visit the website for up-to-the-minute news about the parish! 

Every blessing to you for this coming week. Fr.Bryan.


Church and Social Centre Rotas


Wednesday Coffee

Church Cleaning 09 April

B Bridle

B D’Arcy

S Hawker

G Tomkins

M Walters


Next Sunday 13 April




Coffee 10.00am

Coffee 11.30am

N Longhurst

W Wright

E Evans

M Jones

I Webb

E Allen

G Somerville


M Harrington

S Paris

R Scott




6.00pm Sat.



A Fernandes

R Dudley

T Wells

C Hairs

Parade Mass


Ministers of Holy Communion


6.00pm Sat.



C Cosgrave

P Cosgrave

P Driscoll

M Hutchinson

P Kenny

B D’Arcy

W David

C Delf

D Hairs

J Headington

M Howell

M Ingledew

J Longhurst

N Longhurst

M Jones

D O’Neil

P Powell