The following items were discussed

·         Parishioner Items:


There was a suggestion via the PPC Suggestion box that to help raise funds:

A fee should be charged for Marriages/Baptisms and a collection held at weddings

There are insufficient weddings within the parish to make this a viable proposition.  Any monies received for conduction wedding/baptismal services supplement the only income Fr. David gets which is in the twice yearly special collections.


One of the services should be limited to 45 minutes so that children don’t lose attention.

Omitting some of the musical liturgy at the 9.15am Mass is to be trialled.



·         The possibility of providing First Aid training for church group representatives is to be explored.

·         It is proposed to hold a Parish Mission week in the latter half of 2019

·         The next parish pilgrimage may be to Oberammergau in Bavaria to see the live Passion play which is performed by the villagers every 10 years. This will incorporate visits to Salzburg and Munich.

·         The PPC have agreed to move forward with the live streaming of services on the internet project

·         Work on the new parish website is continuing

·         Dementia Café is very successful, and they are working in conjunction with some children from the school who come along and interact with the guests.

·         Next youth film night 21st July – ‘What we did on our Holiday’ showing.

·         Option of screening some England World Cup matches live in the community centre being investigated. First screening Saturday 23rd June.

·         The parish have received a total of £40,000 in parishioner donations in recent weeks (including Gift Aid) which will be used to offset the cost of soundproofing the community centre, funding the live streaming project, refurbishing the sacristy and revamping the church foyer area.

·         A proposal has been received to have a drop in café on Saturday mornings once a month for all parishioners in the Community Centre – discussions are ongoing.