As most of you know by now, we are currently participating in the CAFOD LiveSimply project with a view to achieving a LiveSimply Award when we have completed the agreed actions.  The banner and posters round church remind us of our parish commitment to this venture.


One of the Principles of LiveSimply is to Live Sustainably – that is to minimise our impact on the planet.  Trees are vital to human beings because they absorb carbon dioxide and provide us with the oxygen we need.  So we are encouraging parishioners at St James’ to plant a tree in one of our British woodlands.  Every tree we contribute will help us fulfil our promise to CAFOD and the LiveSimply parish award.


As well as helping our planet, planting a tree is an excellent way to mark a special occasion.  A tree we plant now may still be growing in a hundred years time.  So it is a fitting way to remember the birth of a child, a baptism or a first Holy Communion.  It could be to remember a loved one no longer with us, or as a present to the Grandad who has everything!


Last year 6 million trees were planted to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee.  Our initial target is to plant 60 trees but how wonderful it would be if we managed 600!


The LiveSimply group has investigated three planting schemes and will organise the purchase of trees on your behalf.  You will get a certificate with your chosen words of dedication, and in one of the schemes the chance to plant your own tree.  Every tree we buy will be represented on an artificial tree in the church porch, with a new leaf being added for each one we plant.  Spring has brought new growth to our country’s trees – please help us to plant more trees and to cover our artificial tree with its leaves.


Thank you for listening, and if you would like to plant a tree or have any questions, please ask at the back of church after Mass.  There is more information on the website and the notice boards.


350 words.