Thank you Fr Bryan and hello everyone.  I should like to remind you about the LiveSimply Leave the Car at Home Weekend which is next week.


As the signs in church remind us, one of the Principles of LiveSimply is to Live Sustainably – that is to minimise our impact on the planet.  We have been encouraged by progress with two of the actions we promised CAFOD in our LiveSimply plan:

=      Firstly, because 35 trees have been planted since we announced the scheme in May.  If you would like to plant a tree in memory of someone or a special event, please take a form from the carousel in the entrance area.

=      and also because the parish Finance Committee has agreed to switch some of our electricity to a renewable energy supplier.  This will reduce our energy supply carbon footprint by 8%.

Next weekend we should like all those – who are physically able – to come to Mass without a car.  This will be a significant gesture in our promise to Live Sustainably.  It doesn’t mean you have to walk – you can use our excellent public transport, come by bike or any other method except a car.  The event should appeal particularly to those taking part in the Fun Run this weekend!


We may only reduce our carbon emissions by a small amount, but it will remind us of our commitment to LiveSimply and may encourage us to come to Mass without a car more often.  Please don’t feel you have to take part if you are not physically able to – coming to Mass is more important than how we get here.


Early next year our LiveSimply achievements will be assessed by CAFOD.  Next weekend, we shall ask each family group to complete a survey so we can show CAFOD how successful we were in leaving our cars at home.  There are 4 simple questions to be answered anonymously at the end of each Mass next week.


We have other ideas to help the parish reduce its carbon footprint and we will announce these later the year.


Thank you for listening, and if you are prepared to pledge your support, please ask at the back of church after Mass.  We can even tell you the walking distance from most roads in the parish if you ask one of us.  You can also pledge your support by submitting a form on the website.


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