We pray for those in power. That they may use their power and influence to make just and fair decisions. We pray that they may be inspired by Christ's example to help those most in need.

Lord hear us...


We pray for those who are suffering. That the poor, hungry and neglected are heard, and that our compassion will lead us to be more charitable to help those most in need.

Lord hear us...


We pray for those affected by climate change. We pray for those affected by the recent floods, especially those that have lost homes and loved ones. That they may find comfort in God during this difficult time.

Lord hear us...


We pray for all nations. That they will cooperate to protect the resources of the earth. Help us all to be considerate and not wasteful so that our actions will promote sustainable development.

Lord hear us...


We pray for each other. That we may learn to 'live simply' so that others may 'simply live'. May we be aware of the actions that we take, and the effect they have on others.

Lord hear us...


Let us pray to Mary our Mother, that she may bring our prayers to the presence of God.

Hail Mary...

We will now say the LiveSimply prayer which is printed on the back of Briefly.

Quyen later wrote to Mary saying:

We had an ok turnout tonight.  We did some work on the importance of community to follow on from the Mass.  They've got a few ideas for LiveSimply including doing something for the local homeless shelter.  We'll see how these ideas develop once I find different organisations that will be willing to come to see us and let us work with them.  I'll keep both you and Roger posted though.