Get involved in LiveSimply

St James’ has registered as a CAFOD LiveSimply parish

To receive the LiveSimply award we must demonstrate at least nine ways in which we are putting the three LiveSimply principles into practice.  The principles are:

–         to live Simply is to take only what we need from the earth, not to demand more and more;

–       to live Sustainably is to take account of the impact of our choices on other people and on the earth that nourishes us;

–       to live in Solidarity with the poor is to make a strong and lasting commitment to the common good so that all people can live life to the full.

CAFOD have accepted our plans and all parishioners are invited to take part as we work towards the award over the next 12-15 months.  Some of our planned actions:

Live Simply

–       Create a wildlife garden and worship space.

–       Have an ecumenical nature walk and picnic event.

–       Hold an indoor loaves and fishes picnic.

–       Use appropriate hymns and prayers at Mass.

Live Sustainably

–       Switch our church energy supply to a green supplier and reduce the church and presbytery footprint by 10%.

–       Assist our school to develop its Forest School project area.

–       Refurbish the church hall sympathetically with the environment.

–       Introduce a tree planting scheme to celebrate important events.

–       Improve the recycling scheme used on church premises.

Live in Solidarity

–       Adopt the CAFOD Connect2: Bangladesh community scheme.

–       Enable our younger parishioners to contribute to the LiveSimply liturgy.

–       Continue the Shoe Rafiki project and collect for Foodbank and Manna Centre

–       Hold a Rich Man Poor Man dinner.

–       Sponsor a child or children overseas.

–       Continue to collect items for local food banks and homeless centres.

5 reasons to get involved

Nurture our spiritual lives;

Strengthen the bonds of friendship within the parish;

Improve our environmental footprint;

Play a small part in tackling big issues like climate change;

Connect with the wider local community and beyond.

For more information:

Don’t forget CAFOD Harvest Fast Day on Friday 5th October