8 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, AM = Angela Martin, RW = Roger Wright (Secretary), OC = Owen Clutton, MM = Mary O'Mahony (Chair), JA = June Adams, FD = Fr David, MS = Mark Smith.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

Apologies for absence: Geraldine Thompson (GT) and Peter Lowe (PL).

MM welcomed Mark Smith to the meeting.

1.       Opening prayers

Fr David talked about the Community of Sant'Egidio which is based in Rome and does great work in all areas of social justice.  They are very ecumenical and work with all faiths, welcoming anyone who is marginalised in any way.  They were responsible for organising the international meeting "Thirst for Peace: Religions and cultures in dialogue" which took place in Assisi from 18-20th September (the 30th such annual event).  Pope Francis was present as were several church and world leaders.  Fr David read a prayer from the community which echoes the principles of Laudato Si' in a very direct way.  Everyone then took turns to read verses of the “Canticle of the Sun”, composed by St Francis.

2.       Minutes of last meeting

All actions had been completed and matters would be discussed as part of the agenda.

3.       CAFOD Harvest Fast Day

Rotas for giving the short talks and handing out envelope for 01-02 Oct were agreed as follows:

Talks end of Mass           6pm RW           9.15am MM           11am PL

Envelopes after Mass      6pm JA/OC       9.15am GT/MM      11am AM/PL

The following weekend:

Envelopes before Mass    6pm DB/RW      9.15am MS            11am AM

RW explained that the emphasis on raising funds at the two annual Fast Days seemed to be shifting towards planned giving on a monthly basis.  This year’s talk doesn’t even mention the traditional fast on the actual day but concentrates on the CAFOD “Hands On” campaign.

4.       Calendar for the “J&P Year”

The remaining part of the meeting was mainly taken up by developing the skeleton calendar tabled by RW and covering dates to December 2017.  Fr David noted all the dates requested by the meeting but these will be subject to collaboration with all groups in the parish following submission to the Parish Office and subsequent discussions.  [Following the meeting’s suggestions RW has amended the calendar which can be seen here.]

5.       Parish Project

MM reminded everyone that the Parish Project supporting St Helen’s in Peru would continue until July 2017.  As well as the J&P group, active support will be given by the new Confirmandi.  OC showed two images of the beautiful chapel which we have helped finance.  Fr Alex had obtained a £10K loan and our efforts should help him to pay this off.

OC agreed to do a new notice for the display board and that we should add the new pictures.  He would also put a note in Briefly to direct parishioners’ attention to it.

Provisional dates were agreed for a social event (Fr David suggested a curry night organised with parishioners having expertise in such food) and a plant sale.

6.       Bromley Borough Foodbank

It was agreed to hold one major collection in the next year and this would be just before the school summer holidays because of the lack of school dinners at that time.  It would be helpful to make an appeal the week before.  The response to organised collections had been dwindling, but on the other hand, donations left in church each week have been extremely generous.  MS suggested that the Foodbank should be promoted to the parish more directly.  Fr David said that it should be possible to have a more high profile location in the entrance area.  This might take the form of a large basket as often seen in supermarket exits.

RW noted that the local branch (Cotmandene Crescent, St Mary Cray) might be in financial difficulties because of the rent needed in the coming year.  He would report back when more information was available.  [Since the meeting Fr David has agreed that St James’ can pledge £500 to help and a special collection date should be agreed.  RW has emailed the Foodbank head of trustees with this news.]

7.       Manna Centre

It was decided that the J&P group should no longer organise collections for the Manna Centre after the one arranged for 15-16th October.  It was suggested that Martin Smith and Simon Howell could be asked to give a short talk about the Manna Centre after Masses that weekend.  This would be to encourage future donations.

The CWL appeared to be making more contact with them than J&P and it made sense for the CWL to run this in future.  The J&P group will give whatever support it can but no longer include such collections in its calendar.  MM would talk to Barbara Bridle to effect a transition.  MM would arrange for an announcement of the October collection in Briefly and RW place a note on the altar for 8-9th Masses.

8.       Traidcraft

Stall dates up until December 2017 were agreed in conjunction with Fr David.  The next stall will be held on 12-13th November and a rota would be agreed at the next meeting.

9.       Laudato Si' seminar

RW had asked CAFOD to provide a keynote speaker for this event.  Susy Brouard had agreed to do this on either 4th or 11th February 2017.  It was agreed that Saturday 11th would be the best date.  A small organising group would be formed to work out further details.  Members offering to take part were DB, OC, MM and RW.  RW would contact a couple of parishioners outside J&P who might help and give fresh ideas.  He had booked to attend an event on the subject at Our Lady of Victories in Kensington on Saturday 15th October.

10.     Any other business

Leave the Car at Home Weekend

This took place on 24-25th September.  Enthusiasm at 6pm and 11am was muted with more evidence of participation at 9.15am.  Nevertheless it was felt the event should be repeated annually.  MS suggested that a better date would be to coincide with CAFOD Harvest Fast Day and the meeting agreed this was an excellent idea.  It was therefore incorporated into the proposed calendar.

SVP/J&P collaboration

Peter Benson would be present at the start of the next meeting to explain the scheme for children at St James’ school to have dialogue with an overseas school community.

Mass for International Day of Peace

RW had submitted a Mass intention request for 21st September 2017 to pray especially for peace on this internationally recognised day.

DB suggested that we should also request a Mass for the people of Syria and all affected by war.  Everyone agreed and Fr David said it should be at a weekend Mass as soon as there is a free date.  DB agreed to contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.

Small Pilgrim Places Network (SPPN)

Fr David reported that he had been contacted by the SPPN.  Their representative had read about the LiveSimply Garden and was wondering if it could be put on their network of places.  If Fr David intended to take the matter further, Joe Falzon should be involved.  [Looking at the website – see link above – it would appear that most of the places are churches with all day opening, toilet facilities, etc.  Our garden may not be suitable.]

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.45pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 October 2016 at 7.45pm.