8 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton (chairman), DB = Diana Betts, PL = Peter Lowe, GT = Geraldine Thompson, JA = June Adams, AM = Angela Martin, MM = Mary O’Mahony, RW = Roger Wright

Apologies were received from: Caroline Price

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Matters arising from previous minutes (26 October 2012)

RW confirmed that a J&P Mass intention had been booked for the International Day of Peace on 21st September 2013.  A collection for the Mass stipend would be made nearer the date.

2.       Chairman for 2013

OC noted that he was prepared to continue as Chairman for another year but only if there was no one else to take over.  Those present were pleased to re-elect Owen unanimously and thanked him for his efforts.

3.       Orpington Foodbank

RW gave the weights of donations delivered as follows:















This would have feed about 76 people for a week (or put another way 500 people for one day).

OC would ask Fr Bryan to put a note in Briefly and RW would try to produce a simple chart showing the changes in collection amounts.

There was discussion about having a J&P notice board for such items which was considered to be a good idea in theory but only if a suitable location could be found.

JA said she would encourage the congregation at her church, St Mary’s Chislehurst, to donate by having a notice put up there.  Ideally she would like flyers to use as well.

OC had volunteered to take part in the Foodbank promotion at various supermarkets and would be attending the one at Tesco near Crittalls Corner.

4.       Calendar for 2013

There will be Traidcraft stalls on 19/20th January and 9/10th March.  The latter date will be difficult for DB and GT because of a holiday but they thought it could be managed.  It will ensure that a stall is run during Fairtrade Fortnight which finishes that weekend.  RW will obtain posters from the Fairtrade Foundation to advertise that period.

It was suggested that people might buy goods from the stall to donate to the Foodbank.  It was agreed that the quantity of food was more important that its quality or ethics.

OC noted that the Manna Centre collection on 16/17th February would be for clothes, on 15/16th June for toiletries and 21st/22nd September for food.

The rota for 1st/2nd December and 19/20th JanuaryTraidcraft stalls were more or less agreed as follows:

Stall dates


Stall holders





Diana Betts

Mary O'Mahony

Geraldine Thompson




Geraldine Thompson

Caroline Price





Peter Lowe

Angela Martin

Roger Wright




Diana Betts

Mary O'Mahony





Geraldine Thompson

Roger Wright





Owen Clutton

Peter Lowe

Angela Martin


DB asked for the name of the chief Welcomer, as she wished to speak to them regarding the positioning of the stall.  RW said this is Mary Walters and he would speak to her.  We should not close the stall too quickly as the stragglers at the end of Mass tend to spend the most.

5.       Connect2

MM would be visiting Anna Bosher (head of St James’ School) on Friday to talk about Connect2 and explain that we are keen for the children to do some sort of communication project, and she would mention the curry night.  RW mentioned that the Connect2 coordinator at Cafod has told us that the Kainmari blog is not the primary form of communication and written material is welcomed.  It should not be too wordy as translation is required and therefore pictures are usually best.  MM would suggest that the children could use some of their Golden Time for drawing items.  Older pupils may wish to find out where Bangladesh is and they could produce a simple map of Petts Wood along with their drawings.

RW had heard that the school recently completed a walk for Cafod and MM would ask about this.

GT suggested that the response from the school could rotate to a different year every couple of months.

MM noted that we will be finding out more about the Kainmari local school in due course.

MM had produced the draft of text for a leaflet to inform Kainmari about St James’.  Copies were handed out for discussion and it was generally agreed to be an ideal introduction.  JA observed that it was important to recognise the poor of our locality and this will be included.  RW would type this and add photos from the website archive.

RW explained that we also need to tell St James’ parishioners about Kainmari and a leaflet should be distributed in the New Year well in advance of the curry night.  MM would write a draft for RW to add photos (to be circulated for comment and then distribution by second Sunday of January).  She would also produce a poster or perhaps ask the school to do one.

RW thought he could muster volunteers to help make the food with the fish curry recipe from Kainmari as the centre piece.

OC would talk to Frank Simon about booking the hall for 2nd March 2013.  [It was mistakenly thought by RW that this would be Gaudete Sunday but he later discovered it would simply be the 3rd week of Lent.]

RW suggested that we should advise our parish groups of our intention to hold this event in order to avoid near clashes which might deflect interest and support.

GT suggested that a quiz should be held in addition to running a raffle for a Fairtrade hamper which she and DB would prepare.

PL had the idea of using music referred to in the Cafod blog page for Kainmari.

6.       You Touch Africa

RW had spoken to Fr Arbo about progress using the money raised by St James’.  [This was as a result of speaking to him about a non-J&P matter.]  Fr Arbo sent his thanks and best wishes to the J&P group.  He managed to visit Tanzania in September and was able to deliver the blankets made by the Monday Craft Club.  He sent some photos and a report of the building work progress which RW was able to circulate and later post on the church notice board.

7.       Any other business

DB asked if it would be possible to circulate the phone numbers of all Traidcraft stall holder volunteers in case of last minute changes.  RW said he would try to do this before the January stall.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 9.25pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd January at 7.45pm.