7 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton (Chairman), DB = Diana Betts, RW = Roger Wright, JA = June Adams, TW = Teresa Wells, AM = Angela Martin, PL = Peter Lowe

Apologies for absence: Fr Bryan, Mary O'Mahony, Geraldine Thompson

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Minutes of last meeting

OC reminded the meeting that John Murphy of "You Touch Africa" would be speaking at all Masses on the weekend of 7/8th June.  He would ask Fr Bryan to note this in next week’s Briefly.

2.       Overseas project for 2014

OC reported that the first collection for Zambuko House on 17/18th May had amounted to £704 and there might be gift aid to add to that.  The proposed June collection had been cancelled and the next collection was scheduled for 17/18th September.  Fundraising activities to take place in autumn would be considered at the next meeting

3.       LiveSimply progress

RW reported that the only action uncompleted was for the Cubs to locate the recycling bins in the hall and sacristy corridor.  There had been talks at each Mass the previous weekend, outlining the actions over the last 18 months, as a way of thanking the parish for its participation.  The award application had been submitted.  Unfortunately this meant an additional item about the Festival Chorus kindly prepared by TW couldn’t be included.

4.       Traidcraft

The next stall would be on 7-8th June and a provisional rota was agreed.  RW noted that at a recent Southwark JPIC Assembly a delegate had reported that their church no longer ran Traidcraft stalls.  Their argument was that supermarkets now stock many Fairtrade goods.  The chairman had quickly pointed out that there were many other specialist goods not sold in supermarkets, congregations were reminded regularly of Fairtrade, and also there was a small profit to be made for churches or their chosen charities.

DB would remind Traidcraft that small gardening gloves have been requested several times.

5.       Any other business

OC noted that the Foodbank would be doing another Tesco collection from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th July.  Anyone able to volunteer to help (handing out leaflets at the door) should email Jackie Barter on jackie@bromleyborough.foodbank.org.uk

RW reported that CAFOD would be launching their big Climate Change campaign on 18th October.  It will also be the theme for Lent Fast Day in 2015.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th June 2014 at 7.45pm.