8 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton, MM= Mary O’Mahony (chair), RW = Roger Wright (secretary), IS = Ian Stewart, JA = June Adams, AM = Angela Martin, NB = Nick Babb, PL= Peter Lowe, GT = Geraldine Thompson, ML = Miguel Laino.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

The meeting started with a CAFOD prayer inspired by Praise Be.

1.       There were no apologies for absence.

2.       Minutes of last meeting

All outstanding matters had been dealt with or would be discussed as part of the agenda.

3.       Manna Centre collection

The collection held on the weekend of 24-25th March had yielded a large quantity of clothes, blankets and sleeping bags, as well as toiletries and household goods needed by the Centre.  NB had tweeted a photo of the donations.

4.       Parish Project

Filipino Fiesta

The event was an enormous success and produced a profit of £1,091, added to which was the £1,000 donated as matched funding by Concerto Partners.  The effort and enthusiasm of the Filipino community was placed on record.

Confirmandi event

The young people and their Confirmation leaders held a fund-raising event on Saturday 24th March will produced the remarkable total of £650 profit.

Traidcraft profit in 2017

This amounted to £434 which would be credited to the project’s funds.  Thanks were due to GT and Di Betts for their hard work with the stalls last year.

Sale of pots

Suzanne Horner had showed MM a fantastic collection of earthenware pots and planters which had been left by her recently deceased father-in-law.  It was agreed that a sale of pots could be held in the spring, partly in lieu of the annual plant sale.  MM and ML left the meeting to inspect the pots and returned with reports of their excellent condition.

Actions agreed:

          Choose a date for outdoor sale near the church exit, probably in early May

          Wash the pots in car park near parish garden entrance.

          Photograph and price pots.

          Promote sale through Briefly, website and Facebook page

          Possibly circulate numbered images of all pots by email.

          Encourage other people to donate pots but only if in good order.

          Offer to deliver pots

Funds raised so far

OC would advise Geoff Ford and Austin Barradell of the amount that could be sent to Fr Joe at this stage.  The full list of donations and fund-raising activities are to be found on the parish website.  Our contributions will benefit the Technical Education programme which Fr Joe is promoting.

5.       Any other business

(a)      NB noted that the next Manna Centre collection would be held on 13-14th October.

          RW –  this is not in the parish diary yet]

(b)      NB gave an update on the CAFOD initiative related to its new campaign “Share the Journey”, encouraging groups of walkers to record their mileages.  One such walk is based on the London Loop, and two stages will involve Petts Wood, on 29th May and 6th June.  Walkers will travel the 7 miles from Bexley Village to PW, and on the other day 9 miles from PW to West Wickham Common.  The dates had been changed from the original plan, and as yet no clear idea of how St James' might host the walk had been agreed.

(c)      NB encouraged members to attend an “Understanding CAFOD” day at Romero House on 28th April from 10.00am to 3.00pm.  Full details and how to register at:


(d)      IS suggested that LiveSimply should be a full item for the next meeting and this was agreed.  It would also be a good opportunity to consider the overall JPIC agenda to see what topics might be engaged in future.  IS would circulate a note in advance of the meeting and others are encouraged to contribute their own ideas.  Memories of what was achieved to win the award could be refreshed by visiting the parish website.  Either use the main menu item “CAFOD LiveSimply” or follow this link.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th April 2018 at 7.45pm.