8 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton, DB = Di Betts (secretary), GT = Geraldine Thompson, AM = Angela Martin, ML = Miguel Laino, MM= Mary O’Mahony (chair) NB = Nick Babb, PL = Peter Lowe.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       The meeting started with a prayer for those suffering from violence, injustice and poverty and for the victims of the recent Grenfell Tower fire.

          Apologies for absence: Roger Wright, June Adams, Ian Stewart.

2.       Minutes of last meeting

Any outstanding matters had been dealt with or would be discussed as part of the agenda.

3.       Traidcraft

The next stall would be held on 01-02 July and the rota was agreed as follows:

          6.00pm        GT     JA

          9.15am        DB     ML

          11.00am      AM     NB

4.       Parish Project

St Helen’s, Peru

The final donation for St Helen’s would be a second collection to be held on 01-02 July.

Next project

OC discussed the response from Fr Joe Cremona of the St Catherine of Alexandria parish in the Philippines concerning how he would propose to use the funds raised by St James’, to support his efforts to provide technical education to his parish and community.  It was decided that the introduction and promotion of this new overseas project to the parish should start from about September with the first collection arranged for November and we should discuss this in detail at the next meeting in July since the September meeting is chiefly concerned with the year’s timetable. Prior to the first collection there would be a talk at end of all Masses and OC would speak to Fr David to arrange the date.

It was noted that St James’ parishioners are very generous but it was felt that it would be better if people could feel more involved with the project and there was general discussion on the best way to do this.  NB reminded us of the general commitment that occurred with the LiveSimply initiative.  The uniformed groups were specifically mentioned: Suzanne Horner had already told MM that she would like to involve the Brownies and Guides and PL and GT have contacts with the other groups.  The Confirmation candidates will also include the project in their programme.  NB suggested that an overview/ strategic plan/ framework was needed, and he and OC would consider a draft of this idea.

Use of a notice board specifically for the project was mentioned and should include photos of which a few have been received from Fr Joe.

Fundraising – Fr David had suggested that the parish Filipino community might wish to be involved with any J&P fund raising social event and OC will ask Father David about contacts.

A second hand book sale was suggested which one of the uniformed groups might want to run or be involved.

5.       Foodbank

It is hoped that the food collection on 16-17 July will be a large one before the start of the school holidays when children will not be receiving school meals.  A notice about this had been put in Briefly and a short talk is planned to be given after 6.00pm and 9.15am Masses on 08 and 09 July.  MM would check with Fr David as there is a lot happening that weekend.  The following volunteered to give the talk

          6.00pm        MM

          9.15am        PL

          11.00am      NB

[Fr David had previously told RW that he would not want the talk to be given at the 11.00am Mass but this point had not been relayed to the meeting.  The rota was subsequently changed so that RW would give the talk at 6.00pm.]

PL reminded those who volunteer that Tesco will be having a Foodbank collection on Friday 21 July.

6.       Any other business

OC was thanked for presenting the activities of the J&P group at the Parish AGM.

MM had discussed with Chris and Doreen Hairs their prisoner support proposal and it was agreed that a notice would be put in Briefly by J&P for any parishioners who might be interested.  They would be directed to the charity’s website for further information and perhaps after about six months J&P could review the situation.

Michelle Smith had brought to our attention the charity Siblings Together which tries to ensure that children who have been taken into care do not lose contact with their siblings.  Everyone felt that this was a very worthwhile cause but the J&P group is probably not in a position at present to raise funds for another charity.  Various suggestions were made including a possible Christmas collection / event.  MM would discuss this further with Michelle.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th July 2017 at 7.45pm.