5 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton, MM= Mary O’Mahony (chair & sec), IS = Ian Stewart, JA = June Adams, MI = Mary Ingledew

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

The meeting started with the CAFOD Share the Journey prayer.

1.       Apologies for absence

          Nick Babb, Peter Lowe and Roger Wright

2.       Parish Project

Pots: These are now all sold or being used in the parish garden.  Monies gained will be added to the next collection.

Admin: OC confirmed that there had been a slight change to Fr Joe’s banking details which has now been resolved and acknowledgment of funds received.

OC will ask Fr Joe for a run down on how the parish money has helped families in crisis so that this can be relayed back to the parish.

3.       Foodbank

Tesco Foodbank Collection on 6th July.  If there is time OC will try and get a reminder into Briefly.

IS to do Foodbank deliveries in July and MM in August.  There is a new delivery point at the Civic Centre.

4.       J&P talks/seminars

Issues relating to J&P decision to provide talks/seminars to raise awareness of issues:

IS to remind MM where the video came from.  It can be downloaded, and Ian will do this in September and discuss how to disseminate it.

Call from Pope Francis and the bishops to look at refugees from the point of view of the refugee.

Human trafficking. Ap to download and report any suspect activities at car washes is at


IS to talk to Fr David about getting a speaker in to talk about refugees.

Ian has joined Pax Christi. Nothing more to report at present.

September meeting will look at new initiatives.

5.       CAFOD Share the Journey

Walk the Loop venture was a huge success with many parishioners taking part.  All agreed it was a very reflective day.

6.       Any Other Business

On 12th October Holy Innocents are having a meeting to promote environmental issues and have asked if we could promote the event.  Agreed.

MI will look at researching different containers instead of plastic.  Ideas to be shared in Briefly.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th July at 7.45pm.