9 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, AM = Angela Martin, GT = Geraldine Thompson,

RW = Roger Wright (Secretary), OC = Owen Clutton, MM Mary O'Mahony (Chair), JA = June Adams, PL = Peter Lowe, MD = Mel Deasy

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       The meeting opened with Praised Be, a prayer inspired by the papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’.

There were no apologies for absence.

2.       Minutes of last meeting

All actions had been completed or would be covered by agenda items.

3.       Plant Sale in aid of St Helen’s, 21-22 May


DB gave a full run down of the proposed arrangements, starting with helpers from outside the Group.  Mel Deasy, Joe Falzon, Anne Said, Mary Ingledew and Pam Lundy had all agreed to help at one or other session, acting either as experts or general aids.  Suzy Paris has also agreed to the Junior Youth helping.  MD thought there was quite a large number to be drawn from that group.

There would be no Plan B in the event of bad weather.  Setting up on the Saturday would be the biggest job.

Sunflower sowing

DB described how the children’s sunflower sowing activity would be run.  For 50p each child would receive 2 yoghurt pots (pre-filled with compost) and 2 seeds.  The helpers would have to be extremely vigilant in ensuring that seeds were not wasted by loss or allowing them to get wet.  Once the pots were seeded they would be handed to the child/parent in a plastic bag.  Reports on growth success would be encouraged later in the year.

Plastic yoghurt pots should be given to DB at least a week before the event.  Also needed are small plastic bags of the type that you get at supermarkets for holding fruit, bread rolls, etc.

RW suggested using this activity as an incentive for adults to visit the sale and buy plants.  Perhaps a small card could be given to children as they left church.  This would advertise the sunflower sowing and parents should hopefully read this to the child and agree to go along!

Display board

DB described how the display board should be laid out.  The centre panel would give information about St Helen’s and events held so far by J&P and Confirmandi.  The side panels would advertise the sale and give appropriate information about living sustainably in relation to “Care for Our Common Home”.  Joe Falzon had agreed to prepare some of the material including a section about the LiveSimply garden.

It was hoped that Fr David would agree to allow the display to be located in the church entrance the weekend of Confirmation, especially as it would attribute the efforts of the Confirmandi.  [Fr David subsequently agreed to this idea.]

RW would prepare brief statements about St Helen’s for the display and separate ones to be used at the sale itself (e.g. on the cash desk).  OC would help with this part of the display.

Setting up

The process includes clearing the yard of tyres, etc. and moving the Wendy house beyond the picket fence at the parish garden end.  DB would request that the Youth Club not to make plans to use the yard on the morning of the sale.  RW would similarly warn Sean Cadogan for “Dad and Me”.

RW had obtained consent from the Pre-School to fix a small bolt to the large wooden playhouse.  This was needed to prevent children having access to the equipment stored there.  It would be done before 21st May.  He had also promised to take photos of the site before anything is moved so everything can be returned to its original location.  He would also be responsible for borrowing a key from Frank Simon for external access to the yard.

Once the yard is clear the tables could be set up, signage erected and plants laid out in their various categories.  There would probably be a need for additional labelling so MD offered to bring ‘lollipop’ labels to make this easier.

It was agreed to split the procedure into two parts: (1) at 10am the yard would be cleared, (2) at 2.30pm the rest would be done.  DB had arranged for access to the hall from 2.45-3.45pm so that tables, etc., could be taken.  [MM subsequently confirmed that tables would not be required for the social evening on 21st.]


It was agreed that precise pricing would not be shown and buyers’ generosity would be relied upon.  However, MD suggested that plants of obvious high value would have stickers applied to their pots so the cash desk could advise accordingly.





Cash, etc


Anne Said

Mary O'Mahony

Roger Wright & June Adams


Mel Deasy

Geraldine Thompson

Peter Lowe & Pam Lundy


Joe Falzon & Mary Ingledew

Owen Clutton

Angela Martin & Mary Ingledew


Di Betts


Di Betts

RW and OC would compile a table of amounts raised for St Helen’s.  This would initially be due to the efforts of the J&P Group and parish youth, but it was hoped that such information might encourage others to join in.  It could be published in Briefly, on the website and on the display board.

4.       Foodbank

RW agreed to deliver the food collected at the back of church with immediate effect until the end of May.  The duty would then be taken over by MM.

5.       Manna Society

MM would liaise with Fr David to agree on a date when a collection of food could be made.

RW reported that a parishioner had agreed to take part in a 10 kilometre run on behalf of the Society in July.  It was agreed that the Group would offer assistance in publishing his effort and help to raise sponsorship.

6.       Traidcraft

The results of the recent stalls were not yet available.

7.       Any other business

PL had drafted letter which he planned to send to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).  It expressed the need for a process to be set up which would assist those seeking asylum to make provisional application at embassies, consulates and other FCO offices overseas.  PL would circulate the letter to J&P members for consideration and suggestions.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 May 2016 at 7.45pm.