Attendees: OC = Owen Clutton (Chair), FB = Fr Bryan, JA = June Adams, JC = Jim Callinan, DB = Diana Belts, BF = Breda Ford, SH = Simon Howell, PL = Peter Lowe, CP = Caroline Price, KS = Kathryn Salter, TW = Teresa Wells

Apologies were received from David McCabe, Roger Wright and Madeleine Howell.


Minutes from last meeting: No issues were raised.

1.          MEETING DATES FOR 2011

These were agreed as: 02 March, 23 March, 27 April, 25 May, 22 June, 20 July, 21 September, 19 October and 23 November.  The second meeting of the year was originally due to be held on 23 February, but many of the members could not make it, due to half term, so the second  meeting was re-scheduled for 02 March.


2.1        You Touch Africa (UTA)

We are hoping to raise about £6,000 in total (since July last year)

We now have the name of the UTA trustee in Bromley.

FB: Maybe in July or September, invite Father Arbo back to talk to the Parish at the end of the project.  Anything visual we can get hold of would be good.

2.2        Manna Centre collections

The next collection will be in March and is likely to be for clothing.  Madeleine to get list of items required.  The three collections we do per year are for clothes, food and toiletries.

2.3      Fairtrade

OC: We should organise another talk from Linnett from the Methodist church.

FB: We should also look to have two Fairtrade sales this year – June and then October (Harvest). These sales would be suitable for a parade Sunday, when the parish has the largest Mass attendance.

[Roger added to minutes: Linnett has retired from running Traidcraft stalls and talks.  I have arranged with Mark Gill to run a stall on 28/29th May.  This was an action on me from the last meeting.]

3.          RACHEL & PAUL

FB: They are thinking of returning from Peru in August.  They would have been there for around 2 years.  Paul disagrees with way the project is run.  He would prefer an approach that tackles the causes of poverty, rather than just aid.  The area where The Peru Children’s Trust operates is not one of absolute poverty, but the people need assistance with things like school text books and equipment etc.  We could have another sale of Peruvian Goods.  To give them more space; we could let them set up under the choir.  This would be more prominent than using the hall.

JA stated that she supports the Zapla Mission who also operate in Peru.


FB: The booklet produced by The Diocese of Westminster "No Hands but Ours" is good.  FB to arrange for more copies to be made.  FB also stated that he leaves a copy of the Southwark J&P newsletter when it is published.  The diocese has a twice-yearly J&P meeting.  The Spring meeting is at Aylesford and the Autumn meeting is in London.  It would be nice if we could attend one of these.


OC: What should we be doing practically now?  FB said there is no structure in place at the moment for inter-church J&P as such, but he knew the clergy were keen for this to happen in the future.

Unfortunately the Rainbow shop will be closing at the end of April as the owner wishes to retire.  It would be nice if the could be some sort of Christian presence on the High Street to replace it.

Chislehurst Churches Together run two charity shops.  They had a very successful fashion show before Christmas, and raised a fair amount through ticket sales.

DB queried how they can afford to run the shops, and was there a tax reduction.  FB said there is a reduction or exemption for charity shops.

6.          J&P FAIR

FB: A fair could be held on a Parade Sunday.  There could be stalls and videos to remind the Parish of the J&P group.  The fair could consist of UTA literature, Manna Centre and CAFOD, etc.  One concern is that some parishioners see faith as just worship, whilst this is important, putting your faith into practice is also important.

BF: It would be a good idea to combine it with a Fairtrade event.  DB said that a lot of parishioners do J&P work in some capacity or other.

JA: It is interesting to note that in fact 90% of education in Africa is provided by Catholic organisations.

SH: Perhaps in the light of this, the fair could be combined with a CAFOD event as well, with CAFOD being the core subject.

BF pointed out that PACT and the Jesuit Refugee service are also within the scope of J&P.  FB replied that we have to be careful not to take on too much.

JA: Some aid agencies now have a policy of only giving food to the most destitute, but you have to be careful how this policy is managed.

PL: This is the “trade not aid” Policy.

FB: We have to ask the question:  why are the poor poor?

CP: The Baptists have gone abroad to personally help with building projects.

SH & JA: Education is the key to lifting people out of poverty.


OC: Should we be more evangelical to the parish to raise awareness?

JC: A J&P fair would be a good idea.

CT: Whilst most people have been happy to attend fairs, they may not be aware

that the J&P group have organised them.

DB: We have to be careful not to clash with other parish groups.

JA: I am impressed with what the J&P group has done so far.

CT: In fact the whole Parish should also be congratulated for their generosity.

BF: If we had more members, we would be able to do more.

TW: I produced the notices for the previous visit by Father Arbo along the passage at the back of the Church.

BF: Quite a few people do not walk down this passage.

FB: More people do than go in the hall.

JA: We may be able to use thank you letters form charities as display material.

FB: We do receive letters form CAFOD, however they are not visually very interesting.  There is also the possibility of a Parish Library along the rear passage; I am prepared to lend some of my own books to this.  This would be possible now the water leakage form the tower has been stopped.

FB: I am very happy to preach along the lines of page 8 of the 'No Hands but Ours' booklet  (A Review for Local Churches of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation).

SH: Preferred paragraph 6 on page 10 – "J&P as an Umbrella organisation".  We can do many little things to benefit others and try and change ourselves.

CP: Young Persons in their mid-teens are very open to help others.  DB: Could we not invite youth leaders to future meetings?

FB: I would be very happy to discuss J&P issues in monthly sermons at Parade Masses, say starting in September this year.  For example the Scouts could do a presentation perhaps on CAFOD.  This should be possible with plenty of notice.

CP: I will speak to Graham (Price) about Scout involvement and maybe to Suzanne Horner, about the Guides.

OC: An ideas exchange could take part at the start of each meeting.  We will discuss Chapter 2 next meeting.


Action from this meeting: Possible date for J&P exhibition might be Sunday 12 June.

FB: The display should be up and running in time for the end of the 6.00pm Mass on the evening before.  Roles to be further discussed at the next meeting.

9.       There being no further business, the meeting finished at approximately 9.20pm.