9 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton (Chairman), GT = Geraldine Thompson, DB = Diana Betts, MM = Mary O’Mahony, PL = Peter Lowe, RW = Roger Wright, JA = June Adams, AM = Angela Martin, BF = Breda Ford

Apologies were received from: Teresa Wells and Fr Bryan.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Minutes of last meeting

RW mentioned that MM was due to speak about J&P at Mass.  MM said this had not been possible so far due to other speakers at Mass.

2.       Overseas project for 2014

OC started by noting that the second collections schedule heavily committed and wondered if another demand would overburden the parish.  Our support for Fr Arbo’s charity had been an exception and that sort of amount would not be the target this time.

DB said that the monthly maintenance collections should not prevent us from raising awareness of a new project.  We are only looking for three collections a year.

GT noted that it is always the case that there are ‘givers’ and non-givers’, the givers will try and help, the non-givers are reluctant to give to second collections whatever they are.

BF suggested having a fundraising event plus one collection.  She thought a quiz night with bangers and mash would be successful as this had been tried by the CWL two or three years ago.  GT attended a CWL whist drive and was very impressed.

OC summed up the members’ opinions that we should have a fundraising event and two collections.

DB asked if it was necessary to involve the LiveSimply Group, but MM explained there is no need because they only have a few members and work like a catalyst group encouraging other parish groups to act.

Members agreed that a Jesuit project should be supported.

RW concurred but noted in passing that now CAFOD has stopped working in Kainmari, they have asked us if we would consider another Connect2 project, either Brazil or El Salvador.  Other possible organisations to support would have been The Little Way Association or Aid to the Church in need.

OC explained that the Jesuits in Zimbabwe are running a project at Zambuko House in Harare.  He had been in communication with Paul Chitnis, of the Jesuit Missions in London,  who has outlined the funding needs for various elements of this project:

1.    Purchase of materials, equipment and trainers for the skills courses – welding, construction and tailoring;

2.    Construct a structure to facilitate skills classes;

3.    Provide a drip irrigation system and inputs for the agricultural & horticulture plot;

4.    Provide an incubator to increase chicken production.

There was no indication of their preferences as to what we should support.

GT suggested asking the various groups of young people in the parish to support the incubator purchase as this might be quite an easy idea to sell to the children.  They might be interested in sponsoring a chick.  Some schools have bought incubators in the past, but there are examples of unpleasant side effects occurring such as death if chicks, etc.  Nonetheless perhaps the school, uniformed groups, Dad & Me, etc. would be prepared to sponsor this part of the project.

MM thought children would be in tune with irrigation and this would tie in with LiveSimply.  If necessary we can raise the money first and then tell the parish what it has been spent on.

OC noted that the Jesuits would give us feedback, including photos and we could divide monies equally between the different elements.  MM said that depending on cost, we might be able to support all four.  OC thought there would be other people supporting these causes and we should concentrate on two for now.  BF suggested we could ask them to use the monies for the greatest need at the time.

There was discussion about the date of the first special collection, OC proposing that it could be on 6th April.  It was decided to delay a little in order for there to be time to communicate with the parish.  JA observed that the schools break for Easter on 4th April and MM suggested a delay until May.

OC spotted gaps in second collections on 18th May and 15th July.  [In fact 18th May is Confirmation weekend so not appropriate.  There are virtually no possible dates when events such as First Holy Communion, etc. are taken into account.]

We might ask the Jesuits to speak at a launch weekend but there was no guarantee that this would be possible.  RW suggested that J&P members should speak rather than having a visitor so that the idea doesn’t come across as just another appeal and we don’t lose the J&P identity.

BF suggested it might be better to choose a Parade Mass weekend such as 10/11th May, where the young people could make the announcement for the collection the following weekend if so desired.  [But a collection on the following weekend would conflict with Confirmation on 18th.]

3.       CAFOD Lent Fast Day appeal (8/9th Mar)

The Fast Day was to be observed on Friday 14th March and three volunteers would make the appeal at Masses of the previous weekend.  There would also be envelopes to distribute after those Masses.  The Children’s Liturgy group would be reading some simple bidding prayers and singing to the congregation at the 9.15am Mass.  At 11am Mass, the Brownies would be making a presentation of the work they had undertaken for their World Issues badge with reference to LiveSimply.  The Traidcraft stall would also be available, this weekend chosen because it is the end of Fairtrade Fortnight.  It would therefore be a busy weekend requiring more J&P volunteers than usual.

The appeal talks were to be given by:

6.00pm          Mary O’Mahony

9.15am           Audrey Ducoulombier-Wright

11.00am         Roger Wright

4.       Guides LiveSimply Lenten Lunch

RW said this will be on Palm Sunday, 13th April after Parade Mass, and is the Guides’ contribution to LiveSimply.  They may ask for help clearing up afterwards and RW hoped there would be volunteers from J&P and LiveSimply groups.  He was waiting for more information from Julia Crudgington but at a meeting at which Julia, and her assistant Wendy Brand, were present, MM and RW were sure the event was being organised with the principles of LiveSimply very much in mind.  They also seemed to be getting the parents involved so we may not be asked to help at all.

5.       Fairtrade Fortnight

RW passed some posters to DB and GT for publicity purposes.  Stickers would be available for children promoting fair prices for banana growers.  The Brownie presentation would include a question and answer section on how the cost of a banana is shared amongst the five processes from labourer to supermarket.  The Fairtrade Foundation had also produced a leaflet for churches which include homilies and RW would distribute some small leaflets in the hall.  Last year UK residents spent £550m on bananas.  JA mentioned she had been to Costa Rica and that banana growing is very labour intensive.

RW suggested that next year we should run a larger campaign during Fairtrade Fortnight following the Foundation’s theme for 2015.  We should try to keep this period free of other activities.

DB had received a certificate from the Fairtrade Foundation following her application to have our parish re-registered as a Fairtrade parish.  CAFOD are encouraging dioceses to gain Fairtrade status.  To qualify at least 50% of the parishes must be Fairtrade.  The only one to qualify so far is Brentwood but Westminster is almost there whereas Southwark is a long way behind.

5.       Traidcraft stall

DB quoted from the finance report detailing Traidcraft sales and profits.  Overall takings were £2,700 last year. There are no records kept by the parish, apart from her own summary, and what RW notes from figures given by Geoff Ford after each stall.  The invoice from Fairtrade initially goes to DB and is then sent to Pam Lundy for the parish to pay.  The balance at the end of 2013 was £351.87 and stock valued at £282.92.  A £300 donation was to be sent to CAFOD being the major part of profits made last year.  DB had not been told that the cheque was sent.  RW said he would check with Pam and also include the sales figures in the minutes.






Oct 12










Jan 13




for Social Centre coffee

Jan 13





Mar 13





Mar 13





Mar 13




84# Easter eggs

May 13




KCN rice (cost price)

Jul 13





Jul 13





Sep 13





Sep 13





Dec 13





Dec 13




51# Advent calendars





for Social Centre supplies







The next Fairtrade stall will be 8/9th March.  Orders would also be taken for the Real Easter Egg.  There was a discussion about the rota of volunteers.  The following was agreed:

















There was discussion about Fairtrade products used in the hall and whether or not sugar should be included although all Tate & Lyle sugar is compliant.  BF pointed out that it is possible to buy sugar made from British sugar beet and this might be a more ethical and environmentally friendly alternative.  It was also suggested that an important gesture would be to purchase Fairtrade hosts and altar wine.  DB noted that there are now Fairtrade cleaning products and these would be available on the Traidcraft stall.

6.       Any Other Business

OC announced that there is a Foodbank collection on 23rd March and he would ask Father Bryan to advertise this.  Volunteers would be needed to transport the food and DB, GT and RW volunteered.  RW would check what the urgent items are.

RW said there is already a large amount of food given by parishioners between main collections using the box in the porch.  Every week he takes this home to store and delivers to the Foodbank about once a month.  He will not have room from August onwards.  BF thought some space could be found in one of the church cupboards once a leaking roof had been repaired.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th March 2014 at 7.45pm.