7 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton, DB = Di Betts, MM= Mary O’Mahony (chair), PL = Peter Lowe, RW = Roger Wright (secretary), IS = Ian Stewart, GT = Geraldine Thompson.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1a.     The meeting started a diocesan JPIC prayer.

          Apologies for absence: Miguel Laino (ML) and Nick Babb (NB).

1b.     Minutes of last meeting

All outstanding matters had been dealt with or would be discussed as part of the agenda.

2.       CAFOD

RW reported that as a result of the St James’ Harvest Fast Day collections on 09-10 October, CAFOD would receive £1,462 and at least one direct debit for £10 monthly donations had been completed.

3.       Manna Centre

The appeal for clothes, towels, sleeping bags, etc., had a magnificent response and amounted to about three large wheelie bins.  The donations were collected promptly on the following Monday (16 October) and a note of appreciation had been tweeted by the Centre.  Thanks were due to MM and NB for organising the bins and collection.

4.       Foodbank

RW reported that delivery to the new premises at the Oak Community Church in St Mary Cray was very straightforward and cars could be driven right up to the goods collection door.

St James' School had collected a large quantity of food at its Harvest Festival Mass, but it was not known to whom it was donated.

5.       Traidcraft

The next stall would be held at the weekend of 18-19 November.  This coincides with the first special collection for St Catherine’s, but it was hoped there wouldn’t be an adverse effect on this or the stall.  The rota was agreed as follows:

6.00pm                 GT          RW

9.15am                  PL          DB (or MM as stand-in)

11.00am                OC          NB or AM (please confirm with DB)

                                           with GT & DB clearing afterwards

6.       Parish Overseas Project

The St Catherine’s parish project would be launched at all Masses on the weekend of 28-29 October.  Speakers had been agreed for each Mass and MM would be assisting the Filipino ladies to arrange a display in front of the altar on Saturday morning at 9.00am.  [Subsequently changed to 12.30pm to avoid clash with CWL Mass.]  OC would mount the notice board display at the church entrance with photos printed by DB.

IS asked if the parish project should have a target to aim for over its two-year duration.  He noted that in his previous parish and with SVP projects this had helped to focus the objectives of projects.  MM pointed out that we had always had the simple aim of raising whatever funds we could in the time available.  In the case of St Catherine’s, we have agreed the area of support with Fr Joe and he would be happy with whatever we raise.  RW suggested that our publicity might include incentives for parishioners to aim at.  For example, we might encourage parishioners to sponsor a particular item such as a sewing machine for £x, in a similar way to CAFOD World Gifts.  Everyone agreed that raising awareness was more important than ever with all the competing demands in the parish.  RW would ask the parish Facebook administrators to advertise at the appropriate time, and continue to include notices on the website.

There followed a short brain-storming session on what elements the February fundraising event might include.  MM was keen to ensure that the Filipino representatives coming to the next meeting would be able to promote their ideas without restriction, so these ideas are preliminary thoughts:

·       food

·       entertainment mix, e.g. music, dancing, quiz

·       consider age groups and timing

·       video from Fr Joe

·       Fairtrade principles

·       eco-friendly (e.g. use crockery not paper plates)

7.       Any other business

DB spoke briefly about the petition to Sainsbury’s regarding their decision to introduce a ‘Fairly Traded’ branding on its tea, ditching the recognised ‘Fairtrade’ certification.  A few names had been collected on the paper version of the petition in the church entrance.  It was agreed that influencing the massive marketing decision of Sainsbury’s was unlikely, but it was important to make the statement.

IS pointed to the items on the agenda, observing that each one was a genuine attempt to carry out the third LiveSimply principle “Live in Solidarity with the Poor”.  He questioned what the parish was doing as far as Living Simply and Living Sustainably were concerned.  Little could be offered in response and this demonstrates how quickly the efforts and rewards of the LiveSimply award had dissipated.  IS was particularly concerned that the issue of sustainability was being ignored.  MM suggested that this was a topic which he might take up over the next few months, perhaps discussing it independently with Fr David.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 November 2017 at 7.45pm.