8 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, PL = Peter Lowe, MM = Mary O’Mahony (Chair), AM = Angela Martin, JA = June Adams, HD = Helen Denham, RW = Roger Wright (Secretary), BF = Breda Ford.

Apologies were received from: Geraldine Thompson (GT) and Owen Clutton

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

The meeting opened with a prayer for Justice and Peace.  This was followed by introductions with new member, Helen Denham.

1.       Minutes of last meeting

All outstanding matters were dealt with under agenda items.

2.       J&P collections

The Manna Centre collection appeared to have been very successful with a large number of contributions having been made after a slow start.  The Centre’s driver had not turned up as promised on the Monday.  MM was unable to attend when he did arrive on Tuesday but her husband Seamus kindly stepped in to help.

The next Foodbank collection is not scheduled to take place until 6th September.  MM will request that an announcement is put in Briefly to remind parishioners of the box in the church entrance which is emptied regularly and delivered to the Foodbank once a month.  Later discussion, about children qualifying for free school dinners, highlighted the need for extra food in the summer holidays.  The September collection would be too late and it was agreed to raise this issue with Fr Tom or his successor Fr David Camilleri.

3.       Traidcraft Stall

The stall held on 14-15th March sold £287 of goods and Easter eggs to the value of £164 had been collected since.

Having discovered that the First Holy Communion Masses are now to be held on Saturdays at 11.00am, DB and GT were prepared to run the stall on 13-14th June.  This date had originally been abandoned because it was thought it would be impractical with the number of people attending the First Holy Communion Mass.

The Zambuko House plant sale will be held the previous week so DB was concerned there may not be sufficient volunteers but everyone pledged their support.  She suggested that the stalls needed at least one gardening advisor to answer any horticultural questions.  RW promised to enlist the help of at least two people from the LiveSimply garden team and DB would be the advisor at the other Mass.

4.       CAFOD

RW reported that the final sum raised from the Lent Fast Day appeal was £1,977.

RW was pleased to report that the appeal in Briefly for parishioners to work as CAFOD volunteers had been successful because three people had done so: Gaynor Whitney, Christine Dobson and HD had all been in touch with CAFOD.  Gaynor is currently receiving training for helping in schools.  RW would also be doing voluntary work by helping with office work, initially on the Climate Change parliamentary lobby.

It was agreed that the group should encourage parish support for CAFOD’s “One Climate, One World” campaign.  The parliamentary lobby on Wednesday 17th June would be a big event and CAFOD wants parishes to sign postcards addressed to the political leaders of the day calling for them to work together to:

•        prevent climate change pushing people deeper into poverty

•        support the transition from polluting fossil fuels to sustainable energy for all.

Fr David’s support would be sought to hold a postcard signing weekend.  RW would obtain the postcards in the hope that he agrees to this.

All present agreed that the group should support this CAFOD campaign as it works towards the all important Paris UN Climate Change summit in December.

5.       Parish project

RW had spoken to the Jesuit Missions administrator and our acknowledgement letter had appeared to have gone astray.  A copy will be sent.

The possibility of supporting the work of a priest in India was discussed briefly.  Fr Ivan is known to Fr Tom and RW agreed to get more information from him so that contact could be made.  Once some details are obtained from Fr Ivan the group could assess the situation with a very firm hope that next year’s project could be dedicated to that cause.

6.       New initiatives

The meeting discussed initiatives that might be adopted in the future.  The subjects suggested were:

•        Poverty in the UK with particular reference to children.  (HD)

•        Loneliness (JA) – probably not the remit of J&P

•        Refugees, especially asylum seekers (BF)

•        Climate Justice (RW)

The meeting also discussed how the group might involve the youth of our parish, through the uniformed groups and perhaps Confirmation group, with particular reference to Climate Change as this should be in the minds of young people.  RW suggested they would be ideal partners to encourage congregations signing the postcards (on a Parade Mass weekend).  MM would talk to the Scout and Guide Leaders and PL would discuss possibilities with Venture Scouts.  [The only two feasible Parade Mass weekends are 11-12 April and 9-10 May (RW away this weekend).]

7.       Any other business

DB suggested that we should try to keep in touch with parishioners who may not be able to attend J&P meetings but were sympathetic to its aims and may like to contribute in other ways.  A starting point would be to send meeting minutes out.  No definite plan of how to do this was determined.

Joanna Longhurst had emailed the secretary suggesting that J&P members might like to join a group tidying up litter in Thornet Wood Road (around the area of Bickley Manor hotel and entrance to Bromley High School Juniors entrance).  AM pointed out that the Friends of Jubilee Park already have volunteers who probably include this task (but perhaps it doesn’t extend that far towards Blackbrook Lane).  The group felt it didn’t come within its remit but suggested this would be a good topic for the St James’ uniformed groups who Joanna might like to approach.  It might also be something the Head of Bromley High School should consider!

8.       A final prayer

Heavenly Father,

We praise and thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ

Who is our peace and our reconciliation.

We bring before you all those who are suffering because of violence,

war or injustice.

We pray for all who experience hunger, poverty and homelessness.

We bring before you the terrible conflicts that scar our world

and cry out for resolution and lasting peace.

We bring before you the unjust structures that keep millions in poverty while ensuring prosperity for the few.

We pray for an end to unfairness and discrimination

and ask that we ourselves may be granted a spirit of repentance and conversion.

Give us wisdom, courage and discernment, as we pray and work together.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 7.45pm.