8 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton, DB = Diana Betts, PL = Peter Lowe (Secretary), MM: Mary O’Mahony, JA = June Adams, CF = Clare Fisher, TW = Teresa Wells, BF = Breda Ford.

Apologies were received from: David McCabe, Roger Wright.

1.          CAFOD livesimply Group

MM: After the large meeting in November which established the group, we did not just want to do a tick box exercise, i.e. rely just on past events and pre-scheduled parish events.  Mary gave an example of a typical charity the group thought the parish might support, namely the Shoe Rafiki Project which involves the donation of shoes children have grown out of.

JA: With CAFOD, you know that the money will go to the right place.

OC: What have the reactions form the other groups been?

MM: We have not contacted them yet.  We are trying to make the group as accessible as possible.  Roger Wright had asked that the meeting should be made aware the livesimply group has not stolen the idea from J&P.  livesimply is about groups cooperating with each other to support a truly parish-wide initiative.  J&P will obviously be an important contributor to the parish efforts.

2.       2012 collections schedule

OC: We need to check with Father Bryan to agree what collection dates could be used.  We have traditionally had 3 J&P collections per year for the Manna Centre.

MM suggested there should not be a Foodbank collection in November or during Lent, because these might clash with CAFOD Fast Days.

3.       Traidcraft stall

OC: Nothing further to report for now as David McCabe was not able to be at the meeting.

4.       Biofuels and food speculation

DB outlined the core of information contained in recent articles she had read.  There has been speculation on the markets in food prices.  This practice started in the 19th century in the US and was deregulated in the 1990s.  When food prices rise, hedge funds turn a profit, but the poor suffer.  In 2010, 44 million people were driven into poverty by rising food prices.  This is a topic which will merit further discussion.

5.       "You Touch Africa" feedback on projects and laboratories

The recent feedback including photos sent by Fr Arbo was noted.  It was agreed that that further feedback would be useful so that the parish could be fully informed on the expenditure of the money given in the UTA collection.

6.       Overseas charities

DB: A food based charity would be a good idea.

MM: Living simply does not mean that other activities cannot go on in the parish.

JA: The Catenians have collected used spectacles to give out in parts of Africa.

OC: Perhaps we should wait and see what the livesimply group submission to groups throws up.

JA: With clothes and glasses the parish is not asked to make a monetary collection.

OC: Traidcraft stalls were going to be held once a month.

JN: Are we doing anything for Lent?

OC: What we might do is hold collections for the Manna Centre and Orpington Foodbank every other month, i.e. three Manna Centre and three Foodbank collections.  OC agreed to suggest some dates to Fr Bryan.

TW: How about a simple lunch on a Friday during Lent?  To me this seems appropriate.

MM: This is a good idea to promote an act of abstinence on a Friday.  The problem now is that abstinence is no longer embedded in the Catholic community.  It will be hard to re-introduce.  Also having a meat free day has less significance now with more vegetarians and vegans around.

JA: Perhaps families should be encouraged to give up a tin of soup per week, which they would have consumed on a Friday.  These can be donated to the Foodbank.

OC: If we have the collection at the end of Lent.

MM: The collection should be a food stuff which is a luxury or enjoyable, so that more effort is involved in giving it up.

DB: The Foodbank items will have to be re-advertised.

CF: Would Foodbank staff be able to give a talk at the school?

MM: This will have to be discussed with the head.  David McCabe, as a parent governor, might be able to assist with this, as the school have their own agenda.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 8.40pm.