7 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, PL = Peter Lowe, GT = Geraldine Thompson, OC = Owen Clutton, MM = Mary O’Mahony (Chair), AM = Angela Martin, RW = Roger Wright (Secretary).

Apologies were received from: Breda Ford, June Adams

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Minutes of last meeting

All outstanding matters were dealt with under agenda items.

2.       Update on J&P calendar entries

MM reported her conversation with Fr Tom in which he decided there would be no changes to the calendar to accommodate the normal number of collections for the Foodbank or Manna Centre.  If the collection for Zambuko House was affected unduly by the clash with school holidays, Fr Tom said it could be augmented from parish funds.  MM suggested that good advance advertising, and perhaps an optional envelope collection could be made on other Sundays, to help mitigate the shortfall.

The Traidcraft stalls would operate according to the dates proposed.  The Foodbank box in the entrance will be emptied weekly and MM will ask for a notice to be put in Briefly in order to encourage more donations.

RW reported that Fr Tom had been very supportive towards the forthcoming CAFOD Lent Fast Day appeal and would allow the talks to be given from the pulpit instead of a homily.  RW and PL would be giving the talks.

The Group would end the association with Zambuko House in the summer and then look for another project.  This was likely to be support for Fr Ivan in India, a priest known to Fr Tom.

3.       Traidcraft Stall

The next stall will be held on the weekend of 14-15th March and a large order had been placed by DB and GT.  Orders for the Real Easter Egg will be taken.  It was stressed that the contact details should include name, phone number and email address where applicable.  Two people would be required to sell at the stall and a third for egg orders.  The agreed rota was:

6pm             MM RW OC

9.15am        GT AM DB

11am           AM GT DB

4.       CAFOD Fast Day (Friday 27th February)

Envelopes would be distributed on the following weekend at the main entrances for those parishioners who needed them by the following:

6pm             DB RW

9.15am        GT MM

11.00am      OC AM

5.       Zambuko House

The final amount raised at the Quiz Night sent to the Jesuit Missions was £380.  OC would check with Paul Chitnis that our letter enclosing the cheque had been received.  [subsequently confirmed by Jesuits to RW]

DB mentioned a few points about the plant sale to be held on the weekend of 6-7th June.  Advance notices were to be put in Briefly.  Plants will be stored in the area behind the fence adjacent to the Small Hall.  Plants may be sold in the hall but care would be taken not to interfere with the Saturday evening bar social.  RW suggested this coincidence might assist sales.

6.       Any other business

Church cleaning on 21st March is the turn of J&P (and LiveSimply).  The following said they would help: MM, PL, GT, OC, DB and RW.