11 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton (chairman), DB = Diana Betts, PL = Peter Lowe, BF = Breda Ford, GT = Geraldine Thompson, JA = June Adams, MM = Mary O’Mahony, RW = Roger Wright, CP = Caroline Price, TW = Teresa Wells, FB = Fr Bryan

Apologies were received from: Simon Howell

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

The meeting began with the LiveSimply prayer.

1.       Matters arising from previous minutes (26 September 2012)

OC noted that the LiveSimply launch went very well and he found it quite moving.  Jim Simmons of CAFOD had spoken eloquently as usual.  MM said that when attending Mass the following weekend, the posters made a good impact.  There was some disappointment expressed by the scarcity of CAFOD Fast Day envelopes in the collection basket.  Discussion followed about such initiatives in the present day, the consensus being that most households are too busy to remember the fast, return the envelopes or fill in the gift aid information on them.  FB suggested that there should be time set aside during Mass to complete the giving process in one go.  Perhaps CAFOD should streamline the gift aid information (somehow to match parish gift aid reference automatically).

2.       Connect2

Most members present had studied the Connect2 web pages circulated a few days before the meeting.  There was enthusiasm for having a curry night in January based on one of the recipes sent from the village (Kainmari).  The evening could include music and a raffle (prize ideas were for CAFOD World Gifts and Traidcraft hampers).

It was important to build a dialogue between St James’ and Kainmari before expecting the parish to support fund raising for the community.  MM would be contacting the school to see if there was scope for involvement with the children.  RW suggested production of a simple pamphlet (no more than a folded A4 sheet) to introduce the idea to the congregation.  He would contact CAFOD to find out what alternative channels of communication we could use in addition to the blog reports.  It would also be useful to find out about schooling in Kainmari.

3.       Traidcraft stall

It was generally agreed that the re-launch of Traidcraft had been a great success.  Everyone thanked DB and GT for their hard work.  DB announced that £205 of the £290 order had been sold.  This was very encouraging considering sales after the 6pm Mass had been low due to the location of the stall in the back corridor.  DB would check with Pam Lundy to see what effect the payments for coffee, used in the kitchen, might make on the deficit (caused by ruined stock stored in the church cupboard affected by water ingress).  The stock is being stored at DB’s house for which she was thanked.  The next order should take into account the kitchen’s requirements for coffee and tea.

4.       Orpington Foodbank

A few items had been left in the Foodbank bin in the porch and these had been taken to the temporary location at The Temple church in St Mary Cray.  The next main collection with be on 17/18th November.  However, the Foodbank is about to move to more permanent premises and may have different opening hours.  RW will circulate all members when this information is known so delivery arrangements can be made.

5.       Any other business

Fr Bryan will be compiling a comprehensive calendar of parish events for 2013 in the near future.  OC will provide him with a list of J&P meeting dates, and Manna Centre plus Foodbank collections.  It is important to ensure that maintenance fund collections do not clash with such events.  DB will agree Traidcraft dates with OC before she submits them to Fr Bryan.  Fairtrade Fortnight will be from Monday 25 February to Sunday 10 March in 2013.  It would be good to do something special in terms of Traidcraft and Fairtrade, perhaps having the stall for both weekends involved, and/or a raffle for a Fairtrade hamper.

It was agreed that J&P meetings will be on the 4th Wednesday of each month even when there are 5 Sundays in the month.  There will be no clashes with school holidays or half-terms in 2013.  Meetings are not held in August or December.

RW agreed to arrange for 6pm Mass to be said for J&P Group’s intention for the International Day of Peace on Saturday 21 September 2013.

A useful digest of Catholic news can be found on the Independent Catholic News website: http://www.indcatholicnews.com

There is now a page on the parish website describing what Justice and Peace is about and how it is addressed at St James’.

Fr Christopher Jamison, OSB is speaking at the Southwark autumn assembly in the Amigo Hall on Saturday 4th November from 10.30-4.00pm.  The assembly theme is “How to promote Justice and Peace in the Year of Faith”.

A future J&P meeting might consider a response to the CAFOD Hunger for Change campaign.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 9.30pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 28th November at 7.45pm.