8 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton (Chairman), PL = Peter Lowe, MM = Mary O’Mahony, GT = Geraldine Thompson, RW = Roger Wright (part-time), DB = Diana Betts, BF = Breda Ford, AM = Angela Martin

Apologies were received from: Teresa Wells and Fr Bryan (on pilgrimage to the Holy Land)

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Matters arising from previous minutes (27 February 2013)

OC reported that the original dates suggested for a visit by Fr Arbo did not suit him.  Fr Bryan will give us a revised date later in the year.

2.       Kainmari Curry Night

OC thanked RW for his contribution to the organisation of this event.  He responded by thanking OC, but emphasising that it was very much a team effort.  One of the most pleasing aspects was how many new people had been involved.  Unfortunately there was a sad note to make because one of the Kainmari community had died.  Profulla Sarker ran the grocery shop.  His widow now scratches a living from the shop.  Keeping her daughter at school will be a serious drain on her income.  CAFOD is providing some funds and it would be nice to think that Kainmari Curry Night proceeds might be used for that.

The event made a profit of £850, all of which we are donating to CAFOD.  GT reported that the raffle took nearly £300, helped by good sales after Mass.  RW said we even made £45 selling leftovers.  However, beer sales were a little disappointing.  DB noted that we can’t sell the stock of Freedom Ale on the Traidcraft stall, due to licensing restrictions.  The Freedom Ale leftover stock was then sold privately to members thereby contributing to the overall profit.  RW observed that the children’s activities and dancing were good and OC remarked that he thought Caroline Price and her daughters were some of the hardest workers on the night.  Agreeing with OC, RW had bought a small present for Catherine and Victoria in recognition of their contribution.

3.       Traidcraft stall

AM and PL would not be available to help on the next stall (13/14th July).  DB mentioned she was hoping to recruit some non-J&P parishioners to get involved in future.  (One person has subsequently come forward.)

4.       Bromley Borough Foodbank

OC reported that the collection made on 13/14th April was delivered the next day.  The weight of 169kg was not as much as other collections, but it was gratefully received.  DB observed that measuring quantities by weight, means collections may appear to decrease, because items such as packet food and nappies are much lighter than tinned food.  OC noted that the next collection is in about three month’s time (19/20th July).

5.       Any other business

MM pointed out that the J&P group are on the church cleaning rota for 25th May.

OC also reminded the meeting that volunteers were required to help with site clearance for the LiveSimply Garden from 10am to 4pm the coming Saturday (27th April).

There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 8.45pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd May at 7.45pm.  DB gave her advanced apology for absence.