9 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, MM = Mary O’Mahony (Chair), OC = Owen Clutton, JA = June Adams, AM = Angela Martin, PL = Peter Lowe, FD = Fr David, BF = Breda Ford, RW = Roger Wright (Secretary)

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Apologies for absence had been received from Geraldine Thompson and Caroline Price.

2.       Minutes of last meeting

The parish overseas project quiz night fundraiser had been agreed with the Parish Office for 05 March 2016.  JA would now be able to confirm with Terry Wills, quiz master, so he could book us in.

All other actions from the previous meeting had been carried out, except for the production of a list of LiveSimply “Plant a Tree” dedications which RW would attend to this in due course.

3.       Refugee crisis

Fr David had followed up the appeal made on the back page of last month’s edition of “The Pilgrim”.  He spoke to Ben Bano a parishioner of Deal who was organising the collection of food, clothes and items to keep refugees occupied.  These were being taken to a depot in Calais run by Secours Catholique.  It was thought that we might make a collection but Ben had told Fr David that the depot was overflowing and we should wait until advised otherwise.  St James’ could have a monetary collection and Fr David would mention this possibility at Mass and in Briefly.  The work of Ben Bano’s team is described here http://seekingsanctuary.weebly.com/ and there is an interesting account of life in the camp at http://www.caritas.org/2015/08/inside-calaiss-migrant-camp.

4.       CAFOD Harvest Fast Day

The CAFOD short talk, about Fast Day on Friday 02 October, would be given by MM, RW and PL during the homily period at 6pm, 9.15am and 11.00am Masses respectively for the weekend of 26-27 September.

A rota was drawn up for handing out envelopes at the end of each Mass:

6pm                 JA, MM and AM

9.15am             RW, Caroline and Katherine Price

11.00am           OC, DB and RW

In addition Fr David would thank all those who had left their cars at home and RW would distribute stickers to those children.  An email reminding parishioners of the event would be circulated on Thursday 24 September.

5.       Parish overseas project

OC outlined the intermittent email conversation which he had over the last few months with Fr Ivan in India.  The lack of definite information, financial authority and difficulties with communication, had led to the conclusion that an alternative project should be promoted.  OC would email Fr Ivan explaining our reluctance to help at this stage.  He would also inform Fr Tom who had initially suggested this project.

A well described summary of the project in Peru managed by Fr Alex Busuttil mssp had been received and this was supported with many great photos of this work.  Fr David showed a selection of these photos and everyone was impressed with the results of Fr Alex’s initiatives.  Dartford parish is already supporting this work and plan to raise about £13,000 over an extended period.  It was agreed that the J&P group should promote this project over the next year with a possible extension, especially if parish youth and school became involved.  OC would write to Fr Alex with this decision, explaining that we would raise funds to go towards the proposed new multi-purpose hall.

The first special collection for Arequipa will be on 05-06 December and this was noted in Fr David’s diary.  Fr David expressed the hope that the parish youth will be interested in this project and even consider visiting Arequipa for a short period to help Fr Alex.

[RW has started to compile web pages about this project and Fr Alex’s description can be seen here.]

6.       Laudato Si'

10# copies of the CAFOD Study Guide had been ordered, ready for use early next year when the Education Centre is available.

There was to be a CAFOD day introducing Laudato Si' at Westminster Cathedral Hall on 07 November.  Anyone wishing to go should register at this link.  RW had registered and agreed to register Fr David as soon as possible.

The CAFOD Pope Paul VI lecture given by Cardinal Peter Turkson would be held on Friday 04 December (roughly 7pm).  OC, DB, MM, AM and RW wish to attend.  JA would confirm later and GT to be asked.  RW will register the party once all names were known.

[It was later discovered that the Laudato Si' day was fully booked but waiting list tickets can be ordered.  CAFOD may repeat the event due to its popularity.]

7.       Traidcraft and Foodbank

DB reported that the last Traidcraft stall had been very successful, raising £328 in sales.

Fr David mentioned there would be a Christmas Market held after 11am Mass on 13 December.  He suggested that it might be appropriate to hold a stall at this event.  It was also noted that a Foodbank collection was scheduled for that weekend but this should not be unduly affected.

MM had been responsible for delivering the last major Foodbank collection.  She was pleased to have assistance with this from a parishioner not connected with J&P.  The amount collected that weekend was 294kg and since then RW had taken a further 44kg which had been left at the back of church.  He showed the latest bar chart of weights, noting that St James’ had delivered just over 3 tonnes of food since December 2011.

8.       Any other business

RW agreed to provide Fr David with a suitable announcement to be made about “Leave the Car at Home Weekend” for the weekend before the event.  An email about it would be circulated the day before the event.

CAFOD are compiling a petition to the Prime Minister about the importance of climate change and his influence at the forthcoming COP21 talks in Paris at the end of November.  Fr David agreed to J&P asking parishioners to sign the petition after Masses on the weekend of 10-11 October and asked RW to provide him with a suitable announcement.  J&P volunteers would need to be at the back of church with copies of the petition form (preferably on clipboards) and the following rota was agreed:

6pm                 OC, MM and RW

9.15am             BF and GT (if possible)

11.00am           PL and DB

Fr David advised the group to nominate someone for the Parish Pastoral Council so that J&P will have a voice and hear what is being discussed and planned.  MM agreed to fill in the form for nomination.  RW suggested that whoever takes the chair of J&P in future should consider this part of the job.

The Southwark JPIC Assembly takes place on 17 October.  Full details available by following the parish website link in October’s What’s On.

Fr David outlined the plans for a One World event to be held at Christ Church URC in Tudor Way on 24 October starting at 5.00pm.  The theme of the event is “Refugee Crisis – A Burden or an Opportunity?”.  He had arranged for Louise Zanre of the Jesuit Refugee Service to speak.  All the churches in Petts Wood will be represented and St James’ had been asked to provide food from Europe.  The St James’ choir and youth of the parish should be represented.  MM agreed to coordinate the food contributions.  OC agreed to write an announcement for Briefly.  MM also agreed to collect display material for an exhibition stand.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 October 2015 at 7.45pm.