7 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, MM = Mary O'Mahony (Chair), AM = Angela Martin, PB = Peter Benson (part), OC = Owen Clutton, NB = Nick Babb, RW = Roger Wright (Secretary), GT = Geraldine Thompson.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

Apologies for absence: Peter Lowe, June Adams, Mark Smith.

The meeting started with MM welcoming Peter Benson and Nick Babb.

1.       Minutes of last meeting

All actions had been completed and matters would be discussed as part of the agenda.

2.       SVP proposal

Peter Benson, representing the Petts Wood branch of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP), attended to explain their efforts to set up a link between St James’ school and an English speaking school overseas.  He started by observing that the SVP mission statement was very comparable to that of J&P groups.  [Indeed as described on the SVP website: The SVP supports justice and peace by encouraging communities and individuals to improve their quality of life, but works to address the causes of need.  It gathers and uses information about the effects of legislation on grass roots poverty, examines relevant draft legislation and responds to government on issues that adversely affect the poor, mainly by co-operating with other Christian and voluntary groups in the UK and within Europe.]

Peter went on to explain that nationally the SVP has done research into the delays of welfare payments which force unfortunate families to resort to food banks.  However, in Petts Wood the group has been challenged to find anyone needing it help because of the general affluence of local society.  It occasionally helps the Orpington group which is not short of clients.  In Petts Wood their focus has been as a voice for the elderly, including driving parishioners to Mass.

He went on to explain that St James’ school had been recognised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for their collaboration with schools overseas.  The school is keen to link up with a school and the SVP had been trying to assist in finding a suitable one.  Peter noted that Years 4-6 would benefit from hearing first hand about how children live in very different communities to themselves.

NB, attending a JPIC meeting for the first time, had recently completed two years with a charity working in Uganda.  He agreed that there could be huge challenges with such a venture, even ensuring that mail reached its intended destination.  His organisation had relied heavily on delivering any sort of material by members of staff who had returned temporarily to the UK.  He had experience of pen pal arrangements with schools which could be successful.  He also suggested that ideas should be focussed on a particular area such as art of music.  NB would send information to Peter by email.

3.       Parish Project

The date for the main fund-raising activity had been agreed with Fr David for 22 April 2017.  It was noted that the PTA had subsequently arranged to hold a family quiz on the same evening at the school.  The parish project event was to be aimed at families so this would cause a problem.  The CWL had also booked two evenings in the Community Centre.  It was suggested that MM should ask if there was any possibility of swopping dates either with the PTA or the CWL.

4.       Bromley Borough Foodbank

The special second collection date would be arranged as soon as possible after national collections had been fixed in the diary.  The Catholic Directory was expected soon and RW was in touch with Geoff Ford about this.

5.       Manna Centre

The CWL had decided by a general vote that they would be unable to take over the running of collections for the Manna Centre.  It therefore fell to the J&P group to continue this important work.  MM would talk to Fr David about dates for three collections during the calendar year.  RW suggested that as each of those dates approached the Manna Centre should be asked for their preference for either: food, clothes or toiletries; focussing parishioners’ attention on that choice.

6.       Traidcraft

DB reported three issues relating to Traidcraft:

1.       The accounts would be reconciled at the beginning of 2017.  The takings would be lower than usual because stocks were quite high and there was no proper stall until the end of January.  This would mean the annual profit currently showing lower than usual, although payment for some Advent calendars and Christmas Market sales are not yet included.

2.       Several Advent calendars had not been collected at the weekend.  RW had contacted the seven people concerned by phone, text or email.  It would be necessary for volunteers to be available at each Mass this weekend.  The rota agreed was: 6pm RW; 9.15am GT; 11am DB.

3.       There will be a Traidcraft stall at the forthcoming Christmas Market on Sunday 11 December.  Audrey Wright had offered to make some fougasse bread to use for sampling the Zaytoun Fairtrade organic olive oil from Palestine available from Traidcraft.

          Stall manning would be planned as a series of 7 half hour slots.  Probable volunteers listed as follows:

Set up (general start time 8.30am) MM, DB and GT

GT and MM (early stall)

RW (misc but not 10, 10.30 or 12)

AM stall from 12

OC and DB later stall plus clearing up

The above can be adjusted on the day as things develop.

7.       Laudato Si' Event

RW outlined progress made with the planning of this event on Saturday 11 February 2017.  The planning team (RW, OC, DB, Joe Falzon and Bruno Cotta) met on 15 November.  The outcome was very positive with many enthusiastic ideas having been discussed.  One decision was that the event should take place in the afternoon, probably from 2-5.30pm.  [Later approved by Fr David and agreed with the main speaker.]

RW had met with Susy Brouard earlier that day.  Susy of the CAFOD Theology team had agreed to give the main talk on Laudato Si'.  She had been very helpful and supportive, willing to provide the type of talk and activity sessions that we would prefer.  Susy promised to send her draft proposals by 06 December with a draft text before Christmas.

The plan is for her to prepare two 30 minute talks separated by a breakout session.  The first talk will be a summary of each chapter and the second will concentrate on the implications for us and the living planet.

She was very interested in the idea of getting school and parish youth involvement, including encouraging teachers to attend.  RW and Bruno Cotta would be liaising with the school.  MM agreed to see what could be done with the youth, especially the Confirmandi.

The promotion for this event should start at the Christmas Fair on 11 December.  Postcard sized handouts were being designed by Joe Falzon which would include information about the event as well as an opportunity to express interest in participating.

The J&P meeting agreed that various helpers would be required with aspects such as setting up, welcoming participants, preparing and serving drinks.  More details about this would become clear for the J&P meeting in January and through email requests.  There was discussion about displaying posters and the results of breakout sessions.  RW to talk to Fr David about display boards and use of the walls.

8.       Any other business

RW spoke very briefly about the organisation “Action by Christians Against Torture” (ACAT), which he had heard about through the Southwark JPIC office.  ACAT encourages Christians to send Christmas greetings (with non-religious cards) to prisoners subject to torture.  It was left to those present to decide if they wished to support this small charity whose activities can be investigated here: www.acatuk.org.uk.  RW would circulate the profiles of prisoners sent by ACAT to those present at the meeting.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th January 2017 at 7.45pm.