6 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, AM = Angela Martin, GT = Geraldine Thompson,

RW = Roger Wright, OC = Owen Clutton (Chair), JA = June Adams.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       The meeting opened with the diocesan prayer for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and also a prayer for the people affected by the recent terrorist atrocities in Brussels.

Apologies for absence had been received from Mary O’Mahony and Peter Lowe.

2.       Minutes of last meeting

All actions had been completed.

3.       Foodbank

The parish collection on 12-13 March amounted to 55kg.  This was a considerable reduction on the one at the same time last year which yielded 272kg.  It was thought that a combination of multiple parish events and collections, as well as inadequate publicity, may all have been causes.

The next collection would be 09-10 July.  If Fr David gives his permission, it would help to give a 2-3 minute talk at the end of Mass on the preceding weekend.  This collection is particularly important because all food banks need extra supplies in order to help children over the holidays when school meals are not provided.

4.       Manna Society

Simon Howell had written again to OC and RW asking if there could be a collection of food for the Manna Centre.  Having discussed the repeated request with Fr David before the meeting it was concluded that nothing could be arranged until October.  A date in early October would have to be agreed with Fr David.

5.       Traidcraft

60 milk and 12 dark chocolate Easter eggs had been sold, with sales totalling approximately £300 (10% of this would go to St Helen’s parish).  This year the eggs had been collected by purchasers without delay; last year some of them had to be delivered to parishioners’ houses.

The next sale would be on the weekend of 23-24 April.  The rota was agreed as follows:













6.       Peru project

Quiz Night

It was generally agreed that the quiz had been a success with a profit of £659 having been made.

Plant sale

The next fundraising event would be the plant sale, which is due to take place on the weekend of 21-22 May.  DB had started planning for the sale.  An announcement had been made in Briefly and a further two had been requested.

DB detailed ideas and planning needed for the sale, including:

The four experts from last year had agreed to help again

The Wendy house had been a problem last year and would have to be disabled from use in some way or other.

RW agreed to inspect the area outside the small hall with DB and then draw up a layout plan.

The Peru project display could be at the sale, with horticultural information added to the outer leaves.

Compost filled small yoghurt pots and 2 sunflower seeds would be on sale for children at 20p each.  GT agreed to help with this aspect.  Small thin plastic bags (supermarket fruit/veg type) would be provided.

There would be a small selection of Traidcraft garden items on sale (e.g. gardening gloves).

AM agreed to look for cardboard boxes/trays at work for purchasers to carry away plants.  Others might obtain these from garden centres or DIY stores where they are often available free of charge.  A good supply of yoghurt pots would be required and DB also asked for medium sized plant pots which members may have.

Final planning would take place at the next meeting in April.

Youth Ministry

RW noted that the youth of the parish had generously picked up on the idea to support the Peru project.  They already have planned car washing on two Sunday mornings and a Latin American Night for 07 May.  He had informed Jamie David that the J&P group would be pleased to support them in any way they felt useful.  RW had told Jamie of two paintings which they might like to auction at the Latin night.  These were of Peruvian scenes, painted by a Peruvian relative of his.

DB hoped there might be some who would provide assistance at the plant sale (taking money, carrying plants to cars, etc.).

7.       Any other business

OC talked briefly about an email received from Fr Ivan which was also sent to Fr Tom Cooper.  He had replied explaining that our assistance would not be available at the present time.

RW reported that Pam Lundy had generously offered her time to help the group when needed as she was unable to attend meetings on Wednesday evenings.  Pam had kindly helped out on the last Traidcraft stall when we were short of assistance because of the quiz setting up.

Bearing in mind the specialist nature and time commitment necessary, it was agreed that volunteering to work with JRS was not currently feasible.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.10pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 7.45pm.