4 attendees: DB = Diana Betts (Chair), PL = Peter Lowe, JA = June Adams, GT = Geraldine Thompson

Apologies were received from: Owen Clutton, Mary O’Mahony, BF = Breda Ford, Fr Bryan, Teresa Wells, RW = Roger Wright

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Minutes of last meeting

These were taken as read.

2.       Bromley Borough Foodbank

The scheduled Foodbank collection for the coming weekend had been moved to 2nd/3rd August and Fr Bryan had agreed to note this in Briefly.  DB will assist with delivery but would need someone to help.  [RW subsequently volunteered for this.]

The bin in the entrance area would have to be emptied and taken to the Foodbank periodically.  RW had been doing this but household constraints meant he couldn’t for the rest of the year.  BF would be asked for advice on a temporary storage area ready for transfer to the Foodbank once a month.

3.       Traidcraft stall

The last Traidcraft stall sales were £244.30 and DB thanked the stall helpers.  The next one was scheduled for 20th/21st September and DB will email everyone in advance to ask for assistance.

4.       Manna Centre

The next Manna Centre collection is for food and will take place on 13/14th September.  There will be discussion with Fr Tom about organisation and a notice in Briefly.  In the past Fr Bryan has contacted the centre to arrange collection but this should be taken over by J&P in future.

5.       Zambuko House

There was a lot of discussion about the need to raise the profile of this project and to help the parish associate with it.  It seemed a good idea to ask other groups to get involved but as yet insufficient information is available to do effective PR.  DB would ask OC if he could get more details, or even another speaker, so that we can either give a short presentation after Mass or at least a longer piece in Briefly before the next collection on 6/7th September.

The possibility of J&P organising a fund-raising event was also discussed, e.g. a quiz night with refreshments, perhaps in November or February.  Input from the whole group was needed to take this forward.  JA would make enquiries about a different type of family quiz, perhaps off the premises, which has been undertaken in the past in her parish.

6.       Any other business

Fr Bryan sent thanks from Teresa and himself for the card and Southbank gift vouchers (value £70).  The vouchers had arrived at last and have no expiry date but can be used towards tickets at any of the concert halls and other venues at Southbank.  They had been put through the Presbytery letterbox and a Peace Lily plant left in the porch by DB.  [Fr Bryan had subsequently expressed their delight in receiving such an appropriate gift.]

The next meeting was not until 24th September and before that date there were three actions: Zambuko collection, Manna Centre and Traidcraft stall.  The possibility of having an intermediate meeting was discussed (20th or 27th August being possible dates).

The Traidcraft stall for 8/9th November should be cancelled as Advent calendars are not being sold and this date is too close to the Christmas stall on 22nd/23rd of the same month.  [RW has subsequently liaised with Pam Lundy with respect to the second collections calendar.]

There being no other business, the meeting closed.

The next meeting is currently scheduled for Wednesday 24th September 2014 at 7.45pm.