7 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton (Chairman), GT = Geraldine Thompson, DB = Diana Betts, MM = Mary O’Mahony, RW = Roger Wright, JA = June Adams, TW = Teresa Wells

There were no apologies for absence.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       Minutes of last meeting

OC noted that John Murphy of "You Touch Africa" and/or colleagues would be speaking at all Masses on the weekend of 7/8th June.

RW confirmed that Mary Beckingham was happy to speak on behalf of the Bromley Borough Foodbank to thank St James’ parishioners for their generosity.  However she would be away on missionary work for 5-6 weeks so RW had agreed to contact her when she returned.

2.       Overseas project for 2014

OC reported that the first collection for Zambuko House would be made on 17/18th May.  Bishop Lynch will be asked to mention this at the Confirmation Mass.  The Jesuit Missions are happy for us to use their text describing the project so OC would prepare something for the notice board.  Fr Bryan would be asked to mention it in Briefly and RW will add it to the website.

The proposed June collection would be postponed and other activities will be organised after September.

3.       Manna Centre

The next collection is on the weekend of 03-04 May and is for toiletries.  RW would mention on the website home page.  The wheelie bin would be appropriately labelled.

4.       LiveSimply progress

The Lenten Lunch was a great success thanks to the efforts of Guide Leaders Julia Crudgington and Wendy Brand.  J&P members also gave support and £157 was raised for charity.  The Guides chose to split the proceeds equally between “Mary’s Meals” and “Demelza House”.

TW had ordered a council garden waste bin for composting.  This costs £60 a year and is collected fortnightly so will be useful for the LiveSimply gardeners and generally.  RW gave a brief progress report stating that most actions had been completed but the serious business of assessment by CAFOD would soon have to be started.  This involves compilation of evidence and form filling as well as a visit by two assessors.

5.       Traidcraft

DB said there was little to report as the next stall would not be until 8th June.  DB and GT had worked hard to deliver the Easter eggs ordered, and in some cases parishioners had been extremely difficult to get hold of.  RW suggested that perhaps next year we should ask parishioners to sponsor eggs for the Foodbank but not actually take orders from parishioners.  This was agreed provisionally but should be reconsidered nearer the time.

6.       Any other business

RW reminded members that Fr Bryan had circulated details of a lecture to be given by His Beatitude Gregory III Laham, the Syrian-born Patriarch of the Church of Antioch, in St James’s Church Piccadilly on 20th May at 6.30pm.  Entrance is free but tickets must be booked in advance.  RW offered to book the tickets as a party for any members provided they informed him by Monday 5th May.

Finally, the J&P and LiveSimply groups were detailed for church cleaning on Saturday 26th April

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 28th May 2014 at 7.45pm.