8 attendees: OC = Owen Clutton, DB = Di Betts, MM= Mary O’Mahony (chair), RW = Roger Wright (secretary), IS = Ian Stewart, GT = Geraldine Thompson, AM = Angela Martin, ML = Miguel Laino.

We were also pleased to welcome Marcy Garcia and her mum Maria, of the Filipino community, to tell us about their ideas for the Parish Project fundraising event to be held early next year.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1a.     The meeting started with a diocesan JPIC prayer.

          Apologies for absence: Peter Lowe (PL) and Nick Babb (NB).

1b.     Minutes of last meeting

All outstanding matters had been dealt with or would be discussed as part of the agenda.

2.       Parish Project

OC noted that the second collection made for St Catherine’s on 18-19 November, amounting to £966 with gift aid, would be sent to Fr Joe as soon as bank account details had been confirmed.

Before the main discussion commenced, RW suggested that the fundraising event could be moved to a different date.  Late afternoon on Sunday 04 March would have the following advantages:

·                school half term avoided;

·                setting-up time not constrained by First Holy Communion session;

·                afternoon gives a better chance for families to come together;

·                most children’s activities happen on Saturdays;

·                the event gives a good alternative to being at home on a cold winter Sunday afternoon!

It was agreed that RW should confirm that the hall would be available from 1.30-8.00pm to cover setting-up, event duration and clearing up afterwards.  [RW confirms this has now been booked for our event.]

Marcy then listed numerous exciting ideas for the evening, covering:

·                decorations

·                food

·                entertainment, e.g. music and dancing

·                small hall activities

Decorations were already prepared, re-using items from previous events.

Numerous suggestions were made for food, such as a ‘boodle fight’, hog roast, Filipino barbecue, chef served dishes, etc.  It was agreed to have one boodle table (Filipino buffet served on banana leaves and using fingers) with most food served from the kitchen.  There would also be a small hog roast and barbecue food, using the kitchen oven for heat where required.  Some simple alternatives for children would be provided, such as chicken goujons.  No guarantees could be made about nut and other allergies.

OC would ask for the bar to be open.

Entertainment could include karaoke, traditional dancing/costume, jamming session.  It had been agreed previously to have two quiz rounds and these would be interspersed with noisier activities.  OC had spoken to Fr David about asking Fr Joe to send a short video introducing St Catherine’s, with a brief ‘hello’ to St James'.  This would also be used during a quiet period to focus attention on the people we are trying to help.

Marcy said they could create a chill out space in the small hall with decorations, a hammock, pretend beach and costume items.  This would be a good opportunity for family photos.

We agreed there would be no additional stalls, i.e. not comparable with events like the Christmas Fayre.  RW agreed to send Marcy a typical layout, working on experience from the LiveSimply Kainmari Curry Night of April 2013, and a link to the website photos of that event.

Programme details will be developed in due course.  The likely start time would be 4-4.30pm, food from 5pm, finishing at 7-7.30pm.

It was agreed to follow Fairtrade principles wherever possible and be eco-friendly with the use of existing crockery (not paper plates) and to take waste food for council recycling.

Tickets would be priced per adult, child, and family.  A reasonable charge would be made in recognition of this being run for charity.  [RW subsequently checked 2013 Kainmari Curry Night prices which were £8, £4, £20 respectively, suggesting that for 2018, £10-12, £5-6, £25-30 would be reasonable.]

GT would run a raffle, donating, as she had done previously, some CAFOD World Gifts.

3.       CAFOD

RW asked for help to distribute CAFOD World Gift catalogues after Masses during the following weekend.  The agreed rota was:

6.00pm                 GT          DB

9.15am                  PL          RW

11.00am                OC          AM

4.       Traidcraft

Members present were sad to hear that DB will be moving to a new house, probably in January.  She had discussed the future of Traidcraft at St James' with GT, and the conclusion was that the stalls could not continue.  GT reported that DB does a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes, with ordering, accounting, controlling stock, etc., as well the actual selling.  Everyone praised her efforts, and GT’s, with IS remarking especially that the parish owed them a debt of gratitude.  DB tabled a list of the Traidcraft stock and some made purchase requests.  The last stall will be held on 27-28 January 2018 if sufficient stock remains.

5.       Any other business

IS posed the question of how does the parish progress the principles of LiveSimply?  The parish seemed to have lost its way on the issue of sustainability and he listed some ideas of carbon reduction measures suggested by RW.  He also referred to the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) which had played a part at the recent COP23 event in Bonn.  IS had watched a one hour webinar organised by the GCCM from Bonn and was impressed by the efforts of the younger Catholic generation to promote the message of Laudato Si'.  RW pointed out that there is a powerful link between climate change and the people of the Philippines, which is something we could bring out during the project period.  Countries like the Philippines are already being affected by this threat and conditions will become more severe as time goes by.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.25pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 24 January 2018 at 7.45pm.