9 attendees: PL = Peter Lowe, MM = Mary O'Mahony (Chair), OC = Owen Clutton, JA = June Adams, RW = Roger Wright (Secretary), GT = Geraldine Thompson, NB = Nick Babb, BF = Breda Ford, AM = Angela Martin.

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

1.       The meeting started with the diocesan prayer for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation.

          Apologies for absence: Diana Betts.

2.       Minutes of last meeting

Any outstanding matters would be discussed as part of the agenda.

3.       Manna Centre

NB had agreed the dates for collections with Fr David and these would be 13-14 May and 14-15 October.  He had contacted Paddy at the Manna Centre to find out what types of donations would be most appropriate on those dates.  He awaited a response.

4.       Traidcraft

The stall on 25-26 March would also be taking orders for Easter eggs and so three people for each Mass would be preferred.  Rota volunteers were agreed as follows:

          6.00pm        GT     RW        (with possible assistance from Pam Lundy/Ellen Wright)

          9.15am        MM    DB        PL

          11.00am      MM    AM        OC

The eggs would be available for collection the following weekend and one person for each Mass was needed for this:

          6.00pm        DB

          9.15am        PL

          11.00am      AM     NB

5.       Bromley Foodbank

RW had written a talk to be given at all Masses on the following weekend.  He would speak at 6pm, PL at 9.15am and MM at 11am.

Foodbank gift aid envelopes were to be distributed, as people entered church, on the same weekend as Easter egg collection, preferably with one person on each door.  A provisional rota was agreed:

          6.00pm        DB     RW

          9.15am        PL      JA

          11.00am      AM     NB

Envelopes only to be given to parishioners who said they were in the gift aid scheme and they should be asked to write their number at the same time.

RW reported that he had installed a new collection basket in the main entrance following Fr David’s suggestion that a more prominent location might help to improve donations.  RW had been advised by the Trussell Trust as to where these standard ‘dump bins’ could be purchased online.

6.       CAFOD Lent Fast Day

The final total was £2,185 which was an improvement over last year.  The local CAFOD manager had confirmed that St James’ parishioners have a good record for taking out monthly direct debits as well.

7a.     Parish Project

OC had confirmed with parishioner Rickie Sankar that Fr Alex had suggested the money to be donated by the Rotary Club could be used to equip a community hall with chairs and a projector with sound system.

The Confirmandi event would take place on Saturday 25 March.  MM reported that the planning was progressing towards a mixed bag of activities including karaoke, quiz and tombola.

She also noted that the Confirmandi would be washing cars on two Sunday mornings: 07 and 14 May.  RW suggested that tight adult supervision was advisable because high spirits are good but can also lead to bodywork damage!

7b.     Next Parish Project

OC had asked Fr David about the possibility of supporting a community in the Philippines.  He had been put in touch with Fr Joe Cremona of St Catherine of Alexandria Parish.  Fr Joe had very promptly sent a comprehensive report of parish life and the rolling programmes he had initiated.  There was some concern about withdrawing our support after the usual two years.  NB used his experience in Uganda to explain how positive an education programme could be, especially where vocational training was given.  One of the programmes involved music but it was agreed not to support that because of the SVP/School initiative in this area.  It was suggested that OC should talk to Fr David and probably write to Fr Joe asking him how he might use a contribution, of say £5,000.

RW was asked to publish the letter on the website to allow members to feed back ideas to OC.  [This can be seen at: stjamespettswood.org/crbst_1275.html ]

8.       Any other business

BF gave a short report on the enjoyable and impressive Women’s World Day of Prayer service held at St James' on Friday 30th March.  Fr David addressed the congregation and ladies from the Philippines made it a colourful and joyful occasion.

MM had spoken to Chris Hairs about the prisoner charity New Bridge, explaining our decision and mentioning that she would make an entry in Briefly after Easter with a review in six months.

BF explained that she had been the Missio local secretary for several years and was looking for a successor.  The main effort was receiving the cash from 50-60 collecting boxes, distributed with some help from others.  Fr David though that the J&P Group might have someone interested in taking over the responsibility.  It was suggested that BF should explain the role in Briefly in the hope that a reasonably young person with spare time might come forward.  BF noted that the annual collection was usually more than £1,000 and thus very well worthwhile for Missio.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 7.45pm.