5 attendees: DB = Diana Betts, AM = Angela Martin, MM = Mary O'Mahony (Chair), JA = June Adams, PL = Peter Lowe.

Apologies were received from: Roger Wright (RW), Owen Clutton (OC) and Geraldine Thomson (GT).

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

Minutes from last meeting

MM: All actions from last meeting have been taken care of except RW contacting, CAFOD, but we are less concerned about this as our main overseas project is St Helen’s in Peru.

DB and others: The confirmation candidates have really taken the Peru project on board.

Parish Project

MM: The last plate collection raised c.  £600 – I think they’ll be pleased with our efforts.  OC forgot to mention this on Briefly.  By the way, St Helen’s have written a thank you card straight back to the Chislehurst Rotary club, thanking them for their kind donation.

Food Bank

MM: Recently in the permanent bin we have collected 12 – 14kg of men’s toiletries, which is a large amount.  This was touching approaching Father’s day.  In July DB will take over looking after the permanent bin.  I will see if RW is prepared to cover August.  Also OC will be the main contact for the forthcoming Tesco collections drive.

Manna Centre

MM: The Foodbank does have a finite capacity, and we need to support the Manna Centre as well.  We’ll do this in the autumn.

Action Point: MM to ask Fr David if we can have a Manna Centre Collection in October?

MM: Included in the Traidcraft rota for 2nd and 3rd July will be an extra person to take names and sponsorship for Martin Smith, who is competing in the Manna Centre 10k run.  Unfortunately there may be a crowded porch with others taking names for the Tea Party and raffle on 17th July.

DB: I have tried hard recently to make sure our events don’t clash with CWL ones.  I have a poster to put up regarding the Manna Centre 10k.

Any other business

MM: The CWL also support the Manna Centre.  The Parish Council have now found out all the parish groups and if they require any help.  Most CWL activities are internal, except for events such as the Whist drive.  They are a large group, where as we are a small group and all our activities are open to the parish.

JA: The openness of the J&P group is good.  I was invited along, because I believe in your values.

MM: I felt we learned a lot from LiveSimply over the past few years.

DB: Madeleine and Simon Howell might be able to help with any Manna Centre collections.  Also Traidcraft are running a justice campaign – to stop British companies running unethical operations in 3rd world countries.  I have ordered materials about this campaign.  We will discuss this at our next meeting.  The website is: www.traidcraft.co.uk/justicecampaign.

MM: We will ask Fr David to please look at this campaign and open to the whole parish.  Confirming that our next meeting will be 27th July.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at approx.  8.30pm.