9 attendees: FB = Fr Bryan, DB = Diana Betts, PL = Peter Lowe (Secretary), RW = Roger Wright (Chair), DM = David McCabe, BF = Breda Ford, AM = Angela Martin, JW= John Warren, MM: Mary O’Mahoney

Apologies were received from: Owen Clutton, Teresa Wells, Simon Howell, June Adams and Clare Fisher.

Fr Bryan said the opening prayer.

1.          Issues arising from last meeting

FB said that the Manna Centre offerings brought to the altar were much fewer than on previous occasions.  However, the person who collected the food and clothes was pleased with the amount.  RW suggested that we should produce a specific flyer in future to encourage people to bring what was required rather than anything as happened this time.

DM distributed the tickets for the CAFOD lecture on 18th November.

2.       Traidcraft stall

DM: The dates of the next sales were confirmed as 22/23rd October and 19/20th November.

FB said there would be no second collection at Masses for the first of those dates, but there would be a retiring collection for The Passage.  Andrew Hollingworth from The Passage would be speaking at all Masses that weekend.

DM: On the 26th November there will be a Traidcraft stall at the St James’ School Christmas Fair.  The proceeds will go to the school and year 6 pupils will be assisting David with this.

JW said there is no Traidcraft stall at St Joseph’s.

3.       CAFOD livesimply parish award

RW had circulated an email to all parish groups and a few other persons who he thought might be interested in attending an initial meeting to discuss this matter.  So far there had been only one response apart from J&P members.  Also, Breda had been nominated as the CWL representative.

FB suggested that the next J&P date (23rd November) should be used to hold the initial meeting.  He would write a letter to all the groups and other people inviting them to attend.

RW spoke briefly about Connect2.  This is a CAFOD scheme which puts UK parishes in touch with overseas communities to foster focussed support and charitable giving.  After discussion about the next step, DB suggested that it could be a component of the livesimply project so it should be considered then.

4.       Orpington Foodbank

RW had contacted the manager of the Orpington Foodbank which is organised by The Oak Community Church (in Chipperfield Road).  The Foodbank is located on Tillingbourne Green along Ranmore Path.  It provides a supply of food to families in a crisis.  A benefit delay, unexpected household repair, etc., can mean a family can’t afford food.  The Foodbank offers a friendly ear, food and a simple Christian gift such as a bookmark or prayer card.

They would be very pleased for any donations of food (from their agreed list) and it was decided to announce that a collection would be made in early December.

FB noted there is a Maintenance Fund collection on the first Sunday of December, but the second Sunday of that month would be fine.

BF asked if Christmas gifts would be appropriate.  RW thought they would be doing Christmas hampers, but need the food items in advance.  However they need the exact items which appear on their list.

RW explained that the Foodbank follows the scheme devised by the Trussell Trust.  This helps to set up food banks nationally by providing a manual and training for any community that wishes to set up a new food bank.  At Orpington, qualifying clients are given a 3 or 7 day supply of nutritional food.  After that time social services should be able to help.

On some of Trussell schemes, volunteers stand outside supermarkets asking customers if they would be happy to purchase one item off their list and hand it in after doing their shopping.  The J&P Group will produce a list for distribution before the collection is made.

FB will mention this collection at all Masses two weeks beforehand and it might be possible to have a speaker from Oak Church.  We have to deliver the goods ourselves on Monday, Wednesdays or Friday after the collection.

5.       Biofuels petition cards

RW explained there is an EU policy that all vehicle fuel has to include 5% of material from plant sources.  This is disastrous for the environment and Third World poverty.  A lot of poor farmers are selling their land to unscrupulous corporations.  It fools farmers into selling land to biofuel companies, only to realise later they can no longer feed themselves.  It has led to deforestation, done simply to grow crops used to make fuel, which is a tragic irony.  ActionAid is to petition the UK Government in the hope that it will put pressure on the EU to stop the regulation amount increasing to 10%.  Sun Biofuels, which is a British Company, is alleged to be the worst offender.

All the members present then signed the petition postcard and DB took the remaining cards to give to friends.

6.       Meeting dates for next year

FB was given a list of dates which showed that all J&P meetings next year, apart from one, can be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month without school holiday clashing.  Members please note the dates are now on the website.

5.       Any Other Business

JW had picked up a leaflet on holiday which gave information on the 50 countries where the worst Christian persecution was taking place.  He asked if we should be putting political pressure on the government with regards to persecution of Christians around the world.

One of the themes of the livesimply campaign is regarding Christian conscience.

FB noted that it is important to remember that there is still persecution with a small “p” at home. This may be fuelled by some misconceptions.

RW: There will be a CAFOD 50th Anniversary Mass on 28th January 2012 in Westminster Cathedral.  Please let RW know if you wish to attend.  (Breda and Angela’s names subsequently given to CAFOD.)

RW noted that this year’s Climate Justice march will take place on 3rd December.

FB: Rachael and Paul Ellison are back permanently from Peru.  Paul is now working for World Vision.  He will be their representative for Bolivia and Honduras.

JW: Youth attendance is up at St. Joseph’s, but dropping off after Primary school age is still a problem.  The lack of a Catholic Secondary school does not help.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 9.30pm.