Attendees: DB = Diana Betts, RW= Roger Wright, BF = Breda Ford, MH = Madeline Howell, SH = Simon Howell, OC = Owen Clutton, TW = Teresa Wells, CP= Caroline Price, MO = Mary O’Mahoney, KS = Kathryn Salter, PL = Peter Lowe

1.         MEETING DATES

The idea of moving meetings to bi-monthly was discussed.  However the group voted to keep meetings on a monthly basis (except August & December).  If there was not enough business, a meting could always be cancelled.

The day of meetings was also discussed, as there are quite a few clashes on a Tuesday evening, including Evangelium and other parish events.  The group voted to move the J&P meetings to the 2nd Wednesday of the month.  This will take effect as from January 2011 (assuming that Fr Bryan and indeed anyone else had no serious objections).


OC to contact John Murphy to say that we have nearly reached the target for Medical Assistance (£2.5K) and so we will be offering to help with both this and the Sewing Machines project.

OC:  The project to supply sewing machines is much broader than just the machines.  This can also lead to people learning skills and more employment could be provided.

Fr Arbo will be visiting the parish on 27/28th November to speak at all Masses.  He will mention the Medical Assistance and Sewing Machines project.

He should mention that UTA is being supported by the parish J&P Group in order to raise its profile amongst parishioners and encourage new members.

BF:  The white collection envelopes have proved to be fairly useless so far because of the small print size and also not having the opportune moment to hand these out.  It would be better if normal parish Gift Aid envelopes could be used.  Alternatively perhaps welcomers could distribute the UTA envelopes.  We could off course accept blank envelopes with the parish Gift Aid reference written on the back.  This would be a lot simpler than people writing their name and address on the back.

DB:  To bring up a point from a previous meeting.  A tube or thermometer "Blue Peter" style display would be a good thing to have when Fr Arbo visits.  TW agreed to take the lead, with PL to assist.

3.         MANNA CENTRE

The October collection consisted of dry foods.  It is around Harvest Festival time when the Manna Centre receives most food collection.  It was agreed we should organise three each year (i.e. one per ‘term’) but the type of collection should be the choice of the Manna Centre.  MH was asked to discuss with the Manna Centre when they want collections and what they should be for.

MH:  Although some people don't like taking shopping bags onto the altar, some bags are needed to remind people about the collection.

Specific tasks for J&P members should be allocated at the meeting prior to the Manna Centre collection so the responsibility for this is shared.  For example the wheelie bins need to be located and put in the back passageway, and the offerings cleared from the sanctuary and wherever else they are left between Masses.  In other words it would be a good idea to have a Manna Centre duty officer for each Mass.

RW:  A few meetings ago, we emptied the wheelie bins and put a large amount of clothes up in the den.  Has this been brought down?  No one had an answer to this, so it was assumed that the clothes were still in the den.

MH:  With regards to the Manna Centre picking up collections, they don't normally need any assistance loading the van.

4.         FAIRTRADE

RW:  The J&P group should have a least one talk per year on Fairtrade principles accompanied by sale of such products.

RW & TW:  A series of A4 Fairtrade logos around the Parish would be a good idea to remind people that this is a Fairtrade parish.

RW will contact Lynette about getting A4 posters and organising a Fairtrade talk sometime after March next year.  The date must be coordinated with Fr Bryan.


There was to be an inaugural meeting for the SVP on Wednesday 17th November to establish this group in the parish.

OC:  Should we plan our activities so that they don't clash with SVP?

RW:  We need to work with them and keep in touch.  There might be opportunities for joint meetings, for example if we have a speaker to talk about implications of the government spending review.

DB:  SVP should be advised of our minutes when they are published on the website.


Simon gave an interesting and informative report on this meeting which took place on 16th October.  He said it had been a very pleasant day, the surroundings were nice and the people friendly.  The Archbishop gave the keynote speech and participated fully with the attendees.  He thought this was an important part of the work of the Diocese.

CSAN was discussed (Catholic Social Action Network).  This umbrella organisation is concerned with issues including:  Housing, Refugees and homelessness.

Another issue discussed was:  "What do we mean by the Big Society?"

There was a presentation by CAFOD on the “Big Climate Connection”.  The speaker was pressing members to contact their MPs.  (The lobbying event actually took place on 5/6th November.)

"Eco Churches" - Why are churches not more in tune with climate change?  

There was a report on the National J&P Conference (bi-annual).

There were not so many attendees from the local area.  However some attendees were very positive talking about what they do in their parish for J&P.

The speech by Archbishop Peter Smith contained some "very deep" content about the spiritual basis of J&P and can be read by clicking here.

RW:  It would be a good idea for us to study the Westminster J&P resource (“No Hands but Ours”) in order to understand more about its role in the Church.  This booklet had been recommended by the J&P Group at St Mary’s, Blackheath.  They had used it as a study aid and discussed its principles over the course of several meetings.

OC:  Perhaps we could discuss this booklet at the next meeting or when there are fewer issues on the agenda?


OC:  Should we link up with J&P activities at other Petts Wood Churches?  Maybe, but not until we know who we are and what direction we wish to take over the next year.  We can discuss this at the next meeting.

CP:  Should we perhaps physically go somewhere to help with aid projects?  e.g. building schools, following the examples of members of Southborough Lane Baptist Church.

DB:  We would also have to be careful that we do what local people want as there have been problems with some gap year students on these projects in the past.  Perhaps another overseas aid project could be a new project in June?

CP:  A good website to try is:  Volunteering England to find a suitable project. 


OC:  Fr Bryan had raised the issue of welfare benefit cuts with him prior to this evening’s meeting.  There maybe a speaker from the URC available to talk about any negative impacts.  The question is should we make a stand about this?

RW:  We need to decide how our group is to operate in future, before we can discuss this sort of issue (January meeting will discuss this and similar strategic issues).  Speakers have to be relevant to J&P and this may be more appropriate to SVP.  If we agree that having such a speaker is a good idea, then he should talk to both J&P and SVP groups.

CP:  How about the impact of the cuts on the mentally ill and disadvantaged?

SH:  Publicity is needed when we have speakers at the meetings.  Interesting and relevant talks are required.

CP:  An awayday would be needed (including Fr Bryan) if the agenda is big. 

OC:  I am happy to chair the January meeting as well as tonight.

The next meeting was confirmed subject to conditions as 12th January 2011.  There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.35pm.