Attendees (11): Diana Betts, Breda Ford, Mary O’Mahoney, Angela Martin, Roger Wright, Peter Lowe, Teresa Wells, Kathryn Salter, Madeleine Howell, Fr Bryan and David McCabe.

Apologies were received from Jim Callinan and Owen Clutton.


Peter agreed to take notes of the meeting.

Illegal Logging

Breda had attended the Justice & Peace Spring Assembly at Aylesford.  At the meeting leaflets were given out (she had made copies) urging people to write letters of protest to Caroline Spelman (Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) before 25 July.  This is ahead of a European Parliamentary Debate on the issue.  The leaflets were produced by the Catholic organisation Progressio which reports that 20% of EU timber imports are from illegal logging.  A template is available in the leaflet, but handwritten personalised letters are preferred.  You can find the template by clicking here.  The Group raised concerns that money given directly to governments could be misused.  It was stressed that consumers should not assume that timber was from legitimate sources unless it has the FSC label (Forestry Stewardship Council).  As well as logging just for cash, logging to make way for palm oil plantations was also a problem.  This was often done in order to produce bio-fuels which is an unethical policy leading to decrease in food production, especially affecting the poor.

Rainforests are an extremely important contributor to the reduction of greenhouse gases.  This has been well publicised by the Prince’s Rainforest Trust.  Recently in Oslo, Heads of State and Government, ministers and other representatives from some fifty countries concluded an agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation.  Around $4.5 billion has been pledged for the period 2010–2012 to support measures to reduce deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries.  

You Touch Africa (UTA)

Roger reported that Owen had made arrangements for John Murphy from Fr  Arbo’s charity to speak at all Masses on 19/20th June.  As he was an outside speaker, he would be given a 10 minute slot.  He would be talking about the work of the charity in general.  Fr Bryan said that he would be stressing the link between the J&P Group and You Touch Africa to the parish.  The Group and Fr Bryan agreed that for the next six months, people should be encouraged to give to the charity on the first Friday of every month with the money saved by an act of fasting or abstinence.

Fr Bryan and others pointed out that we (the people) have largely lost a sense of communal acts (e.g. fasting).  The money would then be collected in a second collection (or at the porch door) after the Sunday Masses following the first Friday.  The issue of clashing with existing second collections was raised.  However, looking at the schedule, the next six months were found to be clear (from July 2010 to Jan 2011), except October, when the collection would be for the Family Fast Day.  The Group agreed that no money would be collected for UTA that month, as the Family Fast Day raises money for CAFOD.  The idea of putting up posters in the church was discussed.

Quiz night

The dates proposed for the quiz night were either Saturdays 11th or 18th September.  Peter had asked Chas Barr to be the Quizmaster, but he was unavailable for those dates.  At the last meeting Jim Callinan had mentioned he knew of someone who might be able to help.  David would ask Jim to arrange for an alternative quizmaster.  It was stressed that it should be a family quiz and include child friendly rounds, e.g. pop music.

Autumn Festival

Again the possibility of the J&P Group having a stall was raised, featuring Traidcraft and other Fairtrade goods.  It would be good from the ethical point of view, but little or no funds would be collected for the Festival, as all the profits would go to the Traidcraft.  David agreed to make arrangements with Linnett Anderson and liaise with the Festival organisers.  It was pointed out that space at the Autumn Festival would be limited.

Manna Centre

Fr Bryan asked when the next collection was.  The Group agreed that this should be Sunday 11th July.  Roger pointed out that after the last meeting the Group emptied the bins of clothing and put the collection in the den to enable another collection to take place.  The clothes should be collected at the same time as the food.  The next collection would be for dry foods, such as pasta, rice, etc. and possibly pasta sauces.  Madeleine would arrange for the Manna Centre to pick up the items.  An announcement in Briefly would be made a few weeks prior to the collection.

Any Other Business

There will be a Mass said for Elena Lams (Ted and Elena were previously members of the J&P Group). .The 9.30am Mass on the 24th June will be said for Elena’s welfare.  Details of Elena’s illness, progress and goodwill messages can be found at

There being no other issues, the meeting finished at approximately 9.00pm.