5 attendees: MM= Mary O’Mahony (initial chair), IS = Ian Stewart (elected chair), PL = Peter Lowe, AM = Angela Martin, RW = Roger Wright (secretary)

Agreed actions shown in bold red type.

The meeting started with a prayer, remembering the victims, survivors and emergency works of the Indonesian tsunami.

1.       Apologies for absence

Owen Clutton, Geraldine Thompson, Miguel Laino.

Sadly, the secretary reported that Geraldine would be unable to attend future meetings because of teaching commitments.

2.       Elections

After nomination and seconding, IS agreed to chair the group and RW would remain as secretary.  IS thanked MM for chairing the group so effectively over the last three years.

3.       Manna Centre

Nick Babb had postponed the collection until weekend of 20-21 October and a Briefly entry would be submitted.  MM unable to help on Monday 22 October when Manna Centre driver collects.

4.       Foodbank

The new delivery process was noted.  IS or RW to advise MM before the next one, so she can accompany.  RW had agreed with Parish Office and Michelle Wilson that J&P members would deliver the donations offered by St James’ School at their Harvest Mass on Wednesday 16 October.  IS and RW would bag up and move items from the sanctuary at 4pm on that day.  AM offered to help if the quantity was very large.  IS would take a car load to the Foodbank warehouse at 10am on Thursday and RW at 11am.  RW would warn Foodbank as they had requested.  MM also offered to help with a third car load if necessary.

5.       CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day

A partial rota for distributing envelopes before Masses on the following weekend was agreed but RW would contact absent members to fill the gaps.  It was noted that the talk could not be heard at the back of church at one Mass last weekend because of the noise and disturbance by children and their parents.  Furthermore, part of the display assembled by Nick Babb had been spoiled by unruly infants.

6.       Review of future activities

Pax Christi        IS continued to evaluate they way it works.  He suggested that the Group should occasionally offer bidding prayers on themes of peace.  MM would ask Parish Office about how this might happen.

Trafficking        It was agreed that IS would contact Bishop Pat regarding possible involvement in the Diocesan Human Trafficking Awareness & Livelihood Campaign.  (IS later reported that Bishop Pat had responded positively and put him in touch with Fr Mark Odion to consider future options.)

                        Discussion about the app “Safe Car Wash” followed.  IS had looked at the app but submissions could only be made if the facility had actually been used.  Some of the inputs required were difficult to assess.  MM had circulated notice sent very late by St Joseph’s about an event aimed primarily at youth.

Environment     IS and RW had both watched the CaFE online video “Global Healing” and recommended it to the Group.  Testimonies from various family groups about living more simply in order to take care of, and appreciate, the environment are very powerful.  RW had ordered a DVD copy for use by members.  Discussion about the possibility of using it at an event next year.  This led to ideas such as a simple shared meal, discussion, explanation, and fund raising for St Catherine’s because of the influence climate change has on countries like the Philippines.  IS will talk to Fr David about this idea and ask for his support in our promotion of environmental responsibility.  (It was noted that Fr David had sent J&P a reference to “Global Healing” he had spotted in The Tablet.)  Ken Chan had advised that St Joseph’s would be showing the video as part on an evening reflection this Advent.  Members were encouraged to attend on Wednesdays 28 November and 05 December.  (Note that November date is J&P meeting so perhaps a good alternative.)

Ahotokurom Rehabilitation Centre

                        Eight members, including Fr David, had been present for the visit of Dr Mark Mantey and Trudy Kilcullen on 26 September.  Everyone was inspired by the work done to support those suffering from leprosy at this centre in Ghana.  A final decision will be made next July, but it was agreed that this would make a suitable next parish overseas project.  If Mark happened to be in the UK at that time it would be good for more parishioners to hear him speak.  It was noted that administration and financial issues would be simple because Trudy was responsible for these aspects which take place in the UK.

6.       Any Other Business

RW had registered to attend “Green Christianity for a Fragile Planet at Orpington Baptist church on the evening of Friday 12 October.  He agreed to circulate a short report on the event in due course.

IS asked RW to provide a list of J&P meeting dates for 2019.  RW confirmed that these were already in the online parish diary.  For reference they are listed below.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 24 October at 7.45pm.

Meeting dates 2019











See also http://stjamespettswood.org/crbst_197.html