Attendees: SH = Simon Howell, DB = Diana Betts, MM = Mary O'Mahoney, FB = Father Bryan, TW = Teresa Wells, PL = Peter Lowe, JA = June Adams, CP = Caroline Price, KS = Kathryn Salter, AM = Angela Martin.

Apologies were received from Owen Clutton, Madeleine Howell, David McCabe, Roger Wright.

1.       Minutes from last meeting: No issues were raised except Fr Bryan noted that the Rainbow bookshop will definitely be closing at the end of April because Diana is retiring.

2.          COLLECTIONS

2.1        FB has produced a list of all the second collections, which includes a column listing the amounts raised.

2.2     You Touch Africa (UTA)

FB will write to the Parish, regarding the total money raised for UTA.  FB reminded the meeting that the last two collections for UTA will be on 03 April and 17 July.  The intention had always been to support UTA for a calendar year and then consider a completely new project.

{The question at the moment is, will we be taking on too much by having another meeting on 23rd March?  There will be the parish Forum that week on 21 March.}

2.3     Hall development fund

A monthly second collection will be started for the Hall Development Fund.  £43,000 pa could potentially be raised.  There is a starting fund of £55,000, but this will need to be paid back.  This may impact on how much parishioners are prepared to give to J&P causes.  However there is a possibility of more consolidated second collections to free up some Sundays.

2.2     Manna Centre Collections

FB: The next collection will be on 20 March and will be for clothes and toiletries.  Specific requirements will be announced next Sunday.  This is the same weekend as the collection for CAFOD Lent Fast Day.  SH noted that the Manna Centre helps around 500-600 people a day.  It is not residential, but provides lots of services. It was started in Bermondsey 28 years ago (follow the link to read the story).  FB would preach about The Manna Centre the weekend of the next collection.

MM observed that people, are generous in this parish.

A rota was drawn up for processing the collections, setting up the bins (Sat eve) and putting away bins (after end of 11.00am Mass):

6.00pm:        MM & DB

9.15am:     KS & CP

ll.00am:  JA & PL

2.3     Fairtrade sales

FB noted that the Fairtrade representative will be attending on 29 May.  We are not sure if he wants to speak at the Masses or just run a stall.  We are now in Fairtrade Fortnight.  I am very happy to make a display, while the Brownies can put up balloons and bunting.


This will be held on the weekend of 11-12 June, which is also a Parade Mass Weekend. CP & KS to take the lead.

CP said there should be stalls and a DVD playing in the hall.  FB noted that the stalls need to be manned.  MM suggested that the Manna Centre should have some display material we can use for the fair.


FB: Starting from this September, Uniformed and other Youth groups will be asked to do presentations once a month on a J&P theme.

CP: The problem is you don't always know which young people will turn up, and also how many. However the Leaders will turn up.  It would be a lot of work just for the leaders.

FB: Are there many young people who just appear to only attend Parade Masses?  CP: Yes there are some who do, with the addition of their parents.  However, don't forget that some young people in the Scouts & Guides here are from the parish of St. Swithun's.



Chapter 5: A Review for local churches of Justice, Peace and integrity of creation.

FB: Total agreement with this chapter is not necessary, but this provides a good skeleton argument for J&P mission.  CAFOD are one of the sponsors of the leaflet.

FB: With regards to what is happening in North Africa, may be as the world is getting smaller and interconnected, people are realising that their situation is unfair and are trying to improve their lot.

JA: How about people in other countries, e.g. in Zimbabwe, where people may be feeling hopeless because they are away from media attention?

FB: We need to reflect on the unfairness of the world. We live in relative luxury compared to some.  However don't be depressed.  We are lucky to enjoy things like religious freedom.

In terms of natural disasters, unfortunate though they are, recovery in New Zealand from the earthquake is certainly going to be faster than that of Haiti.  Haitians are still suffering from cholera and lack of infrastructure.

JA: There is a problem in making sure that money donated goes to those in need.

FB: Andrew Dagleish is going to Korea to work as deputy to the British Ambassador.  We need people like him who work with Gospel values.  I think it is very sad that young people these days no longer want to change the World.  Purely political and social motivated acts fall short because God is left out.  Our own efforts will not achieve this.  If we admit this and have faith in the Lord, we are more likely to succeed.  However this will involve suffering (e.g. Mother Teresa and her doubts) for those working.  However I think we have done and will do a tremendous amount.

KS: Looking at happenings in the UK in the last 150 years, Catholics appear to have been behind on initiatives.  However the relatively smaller Catholic community in the 19th century has got to be remembered.


TW: Perhaps we should keep the bunting until the J&P fair?

FB: We will try and get Father Arbo back to St James’ to speak, perhaps in July.

DB: In terms of future direction of the J&P group, I think we should concentrate our efforts where there is greatest need.

SH: We should not be looking at supporting another charity until 2012-13.

FB: Parish twinning is possible, both at home and abroad.

There being no other business, the meeting finished at approx. 9.20pm.