Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,410.  Mass attendance 719.


Sunday 29th October


(Saturday Vigil)

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm         Kathleen McCabe RIP (McCabe Family)




9.15am    Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)


11am       Organ Donors & Recipients


Monday 30th October




9.30am    Barbara Bridle (CWL)


Tuesday 31st October




9.30am    Olga J Lolljee RIP (H Lolljee)


Wednesday 1st November

(Whole School Mass)

All Saints


9.30am    Cardinal Murphy O’Connor RIP (Howell Family)


8pm         Carmelo Agius RIP (S Finn & E Walsh)




10.45am  Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 2nd November

The Commemoration Of All The Faithful Departed



9.30am    Ellen & Victor Clark RIP (Clark Family)


Friday 3rd November



9.30am    Desmond Kelly RIP (M T Kelly)


7.30pm    Eucharistic Adoration


Sunday 5th November


(Saturday Vigil)

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm         Joseph Pereira RIP (S Pereira)




9.15am    Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)

11am       Thanksgiving (J&L Samuels)

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea is served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Second Collection

Next week’s second collection on 4-5th November is for the maintenance fund.

Fr David writes…

When I was working in Melbourne in the nineties, there was a great influx of Asian people migrating to Australia.  Mainly Vietnamese.  In the main community, I remember, there was a lot of uproar against them.  At the time, they were the latest “strangers” to dare to enter the familiar multicultural face of Australia.  So, they became the target of the main culture’s prejudices and racism.  What I could not fathom at the time was, that the worst negative reactions came from migrants who had settled in Australia in the previous decades.  They would have gone through the pain of rejection themselves.  They themselves would have been called names and their children would have been ridiculed, put down and bullied at schools.  Instead of feeling compassion towards the Vietnamese, now that they felt more accepted in the main culture, being in more positions of power, almost felt the need to put down and bully the most vulnerable.  The stranger in a community is without power.  The stranger is always subject to the generosity and hospitality of the one who is in a comfortable position.  There is an interesting dynamic which happens when the stranger tries to engage within an established community.  Whilst the stranger very cautiously tries to test the water of how hospitable the receiving community is, those who feel grounded within the community feels threatened by the newness of the stranger.  An established community becomes territorial, protecting its boundaries and position.  They are scared to be intruded upon.  Their reaction is either total rejection of the stranger or else by their words and behaviour they make it very clear who is in control.  It is always very uncomfortable and intimidating to be seen as the stranger.  Most times, the stranger can see what the established community is blind to see what is toxic and dysfunctional.  Stranger’s eyes can see our shadow side.

In today’s first reading we hear how the people of Israel were expected to treat the stranger.  “You must not molest the stranger or oppress him, for you lived as strangers in the land of Egypt”.  God is saying to them – remember when you were poor and dependent and strangers, God had pity on you and rewarded you.  Memory is basic to our Judeo-Christian spirituality.  When you feel tempted to start judging the stranger, making him or her feel out of place and unwelcomed, stop and remember who you were and what you have is gift.  You are not entitled to anything more special than others.  The Israelites were commanded to love the stranger as they loved themselves.  They were invited to look into their own heart and remember the time when they were the outsiders, when they were out of their element.  Loving the stranger was something that had to be done because that was what God did.  Strangers ceased feeling estranged when they were offered hospitality.  Not surprisingly hospitality for the Jewish people came to be regarded as one of the primary virtues.  Especially for nomadic people, hospitality could become a matter of life and death.  Travellers depended for their survival on the hospitality of strangers.

In the Gospel Jesus speaks of the conquering power of love when he tells his followers” You must love your neighbour as yourself”.  Often the real stranger is not the person we don’t know but the person we don’t want to know, the person we refuse to love.  That person could be a neighbour, a relative, a member of our family, a member of our parish or community.  We can all have strangers within our house, still waiting to be welcomed and loved.  Who is my neighbour?  We are often scared to take people in, because we are frightened to be hurt or taken for a ride.  And we need to protect ourselves.  Not everyone has the right motivation and agenda.  We need to be wise and discern.  On the other hand, to entrust others in, demands risking, demands a whole lot of generosity of heart.  Sometimes it means that we need to move out of our comfort zones emotionally or physically or both, in order to welcome and love our neighbour.  Loving our neighbour as ourselves is not for the faint hearted.  Sometimes it demands an internal struggle with self.  It is not always easy.  Loving our neighbour demands forgiveness at times in order to move on.  What a gift though of being able to reach out beyond our egos sometimes and embrace those who are not part of our “group” – something happens to our soul when we are generous with those who need acceptance and love.  It liberates us first and foremost from the bottomless hunger of egotism.  Reaching out to others enlarges our world, our soul.  Let us this week reflect on our attitude towards the stranger/neighbour in our midst.  If we feel secure within our community let us remember the time that we needed to feel welcomed.  Instead of seeing the stranger and neighbour as a threat let us see them as an opportunity for us to live according to the value system of Christ.

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

Please note the change of day

The next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Wednesday 25th October between 5–7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

The Parish Pastoral Council

The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Monday 30th October at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  You may raise any relevant issue using the PPC mailbox which is

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

To new and existing altar servers and their parents

On the 4th November you are invited to come along to a special meeting to encourage you to think about whether you would like to become an Altar server.  All existing Altar servers are also invited to attend and chat to any new servers that might be interested in joining us.  The meeting is open to anybody who have made your First Holy Communion.  Parents please accompany children under 18.  We will be serving Pizza so please let the parish office know beforehand if you are going to attend or click here for an online link to register.

Annual Cemetery Mass and Blessing of the Graves

will take place at St Mary’s, Crown Lane, Chislehurst on Saturday 18th November at Noon, remembering those buried at Saint Mary's and Beaverwood Cemetery.  Also, on Sunday 19th November at 2pm at Kemnal Park cemetery and memorial gardens the annual Catholic blessing of the graves will take place.

Pastoral Care Pillar

Memorial Mass

Sunday 12th November at 3pm

For all those families who have lost a family member in the last year, a special Mass will be held in the Church and all Parishioners are most welcome to attend.  This will be followed by refreshments in the Community Centre when members of our Pastoral Care Team will be present should you feel the need to talk to someone.  In addition, there will be an opportunity to remember deceased family and friends at all Masses throughout November.  From the weekend of 14th/15th October sheets of paper will be available in the Church porch if you would like your loved ones to be remembered.  Please place their names in the box provided, the names will then be put in a basket and placed on the altar from the beginning of November.

Dementia Café at St James’

On Saturday 25th November a meeting will take place in the Community Centre from 9.30am to 11.00am with Nicola Fishman, Community Development Worker for Bromley Dementia Support Hub with a view to starting up this worthwhile support within the Parish during the early part of 2018.  She will be talking to us about the benefits of the café and the structure required to be able to provide this service.  If you feel you would like to know more or wish to be involved in this initiative, please do come along to the meeting.

Evangelisation Pillar

RCIA – Journey in Faith

begins again with a welcome session on Sunday 29th October from 2.30–6.00pm.  It is for Adults 18 plus who may be:

Searching for meaning in their lives and want to explore their spirituality.

Wanting to know more about the person of Jesus and Christianity.

Feeling the need to belong to a Community of Faith.

Exploring the possibility of becoming Catholics.

Journey in Faith is also for those who are already Catholics but feel the need to deepen their faith.  And for those who are already Christians but wish to become full members of the Catholic Church.

Please let the Parish Office know if you would like to join the journey with us.

Half day Exploration of the Religious Art of Caravaggio

Saturday 4th November 10:30am (prompt start) - around 1pm finish.

Fr Geoff Wheaton SJ will return to St James’ to give this talk.  Caravaggio is his hero, and his talk will be a feast of ideas and knowledge.  Tea and Coffee will be provided.  Bring a packed lunch if you wish to stay on afterwards to discuss and share.

Confirmation 2018

Calling all year Nine and above students who wish to be confirmed next year.  There is a “Come and See” meeting on Monday 6th November at 7.30pm in the Church.  This meeting is for candidates and their parents.  At the end of the meeting, packs will be distributed ready for enrolment into the programme which starts with a kick off day on Saturday 25th November.  If you intend to come to the meeting on the 6th, please let the parish office know by phone or email:  We look forward to meeting you all.  The Catechists.

First Holy Communion 2018

If you would like your child to take part in our parish programme for First Holy Communion, please send an email to the Parish Office with all relevant details, child’s name, date of birth, school, names of parents, address and contact details.  Candidates must be in Year 3 or above.  All preparation classes are held on Saturdays from 4.30 to 5.45 and will run from January to June.   Dates for First Holy Communion are 9th and 16th June 2018.

Justice & Peace Group

All Foodbank supporters

Following a busy few weeks for the Foodbank, including a move from the Orpington Centre at St Barnabas church to the Oak Community church in St Mary Cray, we have been advised that the most needed items are as follows: instant coffee, desserts, men and women’s toiletries, household goods such as washing powder, washing-up liquid, cleaning materials.  They received a great response from harvest collections by churches and schools, and as a result they are well stocked for most foods but now lack the items listed.  Thank you for your continuing support.

New Parish Overseas Project

This weekend a member of the Justice and Peace Group will give a short talk at each Mass to introduce to the Parish the new overseas project which will be in the Philippines.  There will also be displays in the church from the Philippines.  The first collection for the new project will be over the weekend of 18/19 November.

CAFOD Fairtrade Petition

As a Fairtrade registered parish we have been asked by CAFOD to support the petition to Sainsbury’s not to remove the Fairtrade mark from their own brand tea and replace it with their own ‘Fairly Traded’ scheme which could mean an unfair deal for poor farmers.  This campaign is also supported by Christian Aid, OXFAM and Traidcraft.

Please consider adding your signature to the lists to go with the CAFOD letter to Sainsbury’s (copies available to read) at the back of church.  You do not need to add an e-mail or postal address.  The letter can also be viewed on the Parish website.

More information at  Thank you

Manna Centre Collection

A huge thank you to everyone at St James’ who has donated food, clothing or toiletries to homeless people who use the Manna Centre service.

Parish Life

Petts Wood Catholic Women's League (CWL)

The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday 30th October at the earlier time of 7.30 pm as at 8 pm Nick Babb will be giving a talk entitled "Development though Economic Empowerment: Grassroots insights from Uganda".  Any members of the parish wishing to learn more about this are very welcome to join us.

The Southwark Branch of the CWL will be holding a special Mass on Saturday 28th October at 11am at St James’ to celebrate their 90th anniversary.   CWL members please remember about the Branch AGM in the Social Centre following the Mass.

Watch RISE Theatre’s new play about Blessed Oscar Romero

We are delighted to welcome RISE Theatre, a professional Christian theatre company, who will be performing their original play ‘Romero – Heartbeat of El Salvador’ at St James’ on Sunday 26th November at 7.30pm.

The production tells the true story of Blessed Oscar Romero and his heart for the oppressed people of El Salvador.  Romero chose to challenge those in power and stand up for social justice.  He demanded respect for human rights.  Come and experience this exciting new play, performed with energy and passion by the RISE Theatre team -

“A challenging and moving production about the life and legacy of this great man of justice.” Bridget Fenwick, CAFOD

For tickets please contact

Parish office on 01689 827100

or visit

Performance lasts approximately 75 minutes and is suitable for adults and children 11+

Community Hall Audio Visual System Demonstration

There is now a reasonably comprehensive audio-visual (AV) system setup in the Community Hall, and all parish groups are encouraged to make use of it.  To show what the system can do, and to answer any queries, a demonstration is scheduled to start 5 minutes after the end of the following Masses in the Hall.  The Demonstration should last around 15 minutes.

4-5th November weekend          AFTER Saturday 6pm Mass and Sunday 9:15am Mass

There is a simple set of instructions so that the AV system can be used more extensively within the Parish.  Any parishioners who are interested in using the AV system should come to the demonstration, and all parish groups should arrange for a representative to attend and to learn the setup.

Friends of St James’

Parish Christmas Fayre – 10th December

If you would like to be involved in this years Christmas Fayre, please join us for an initial planning meeting on 2nd November at 8pm.  If you are unable to join us please email the parish office – with your ideas and suggestions.  Many Thanks.

Saturday 11th November, 7.00pm

Iron Mountain in concert at St James’ Community Centre!

Cost: £10 adults, £5 children, £25 family

Bar open, bring your own nibbles.

Tickets on sale after Mass from this week.


On Saturday 2nd December the parish Polish community together with the local Polish Playgroup invite Polish families to come join them in the community centre as traditionally Saint Nicholas brings presents on 6th December.  Contact Katarzyna for details and to register your kids as places are limited

Petts Wood Churches Together

As part of Petts Wood Churches Together 500th Reformation Year, we have a special musical event arranged for 19th November at 2pm, to be held at Christ Lutheran Church.  The Secret Life of Lutheran Chorales, with Noridc Lyres, Bray Harp, bells and singing.  Please see the link:  Everyone is welcome.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You or they can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

Saturday 4th November

Cleaning the Church

S Ingle, I Hutchins, P Driscoll, J Rogerson, M Mitrovic

(Tuesday team – 7th November)


Wednesday Coffee

8th November

T Forde, E Cushman


5th November


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


A Lench

L Thomas

F Mace

M Cooper

K Edwards


K Salter

K Lams

J Gibson

S Cotta

L Benson

M Morley


Ministers of Holy Communion

P Crosland

C Wakefield

C Cosgrave

P Cosgrave

P Driscoll

B D’Arcy

T Forde

M Smith

M Howell

K Chan

V Terry

N Longhurst

T Willard

R Mwansa

K Evans





F Simon

P Dabrowski




D Delf

F Curran

E Aletta

P Flockhart

A Huntington

S Ingle



L Delamain, M Edwards