Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,582.  Mass attendance 778.


13th January


(Saturday Vigil)


Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


6pm           Neil Morgan RIP (Morgan Family)


Sunday 14th January


9.15am      Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)


11am         Cathleen Benson RIP (Benson family)


Monday 15th January



9.30am      James McNamel RIP (S Durkin)


Tuesday 16th January



9.30am      Pio & Felicity Camilleri (V Terry)


Wednesday 17th January


Saint Anthony


9.30am      Mary Shelton (T Shelton)



10.45am    Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 18th January



9.30am      David Kelly RIP (M Kelly)


Friday 19th January



9.30am      Joan Hansford RIP (A Hansford)


20th January


(Saturday Vigil)

Third Sunday


6pm           Frances Hill RIP (M Farrell)


Sunday 21st January


9.15am      Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)


11am         People of the Parish



Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea is served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Second collections

The second collection on 13-14th January will be the White Flower appeal for SPUC (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children).  This cannot be gift-aided.

Next week’s collection will be for the Maintenance Fund.

Fr David writes…

Networking is key in a lot of professions.  Networking helps you to mingle with like-minded people and get yourself known.  It is amazing what happens in these big conferences where after a whole day of listening to sometimes interesting presentations, and others not so much, one has the time, during and after a good meal, to meet new people and that is when the real work starts.  People get interested in each other for diverse reasons.  And it is difficult to gauge what the interest is most of the time.  Is the interest genuine in what I am, and what I am doing, or are there hidden agendas?  Are these people here interested in who I am, or are they interested in getting the best price or product out of me?  The question arises around trust and integrity.  Sometimes one has to be realistic enough to say that you are not always going to find deep and meaningful relationships in big gatherings.  This is not to say that sometimes it does not happen.  However professional conferences and seminars are there to network in order that you have the opportunity to make yourself known and one’s product whatever it is, can be marketed.  Within this ambience, it would be very difficult to find a wise person who has no ulterior motive but to give you the best advice about where you would be best satisfied.  There would always be some reward for him or her.  Wise and unconditional people are very hard to find in life.  These are the people we meet in life who have only our own interest in what they do say or do.  Even parents sometimes because of their brokenness do not fall in this category.

A wise person is someone who has worked on himself or herself first of all.  They have a clear idea of their issues and their triggers.  They are highly intuitive and have a deep connection with their soul.  I find these kinds of people very spiritual and sometimes not necessarily religious.  They have a very good sense of their own identity apart from yours.  When you are in the company of such a person, one feels safe.  They are people who listen more than speak.  They are not there to give you advice or provide solutions to what you need at the time.  They are there holding and containing what you are experiencing.  They are humble enough to realise that they need to hear your cry and be curious in knowing that they do not know all the answers for you.  They see their role as people who signpost for you, facilitating change and new beginnings through just being with you.  Their gentle curiosities stir in you new ways of seeing and of being.  They know that the wisdom lies in you and their role is to facilitate that dynamic.  Encouraging you in the process to take the plunge and to empower you to take the risk to explore new ways, new beginnings.

The readings in today’s liturgy invite us to encounter such wise people.  Especially in the first reading and the gospel.  The Book of Samuel introduces us to Eli and in the Gospel with John the Baptist and then Andrew.  When Samuel hears a voice in the night he assumes the old priest Eli is calling him.  Samuel has no knowledge of the word of God, but the old man has grown to recognise its strangeness and it power.  As he introduced Samuel’s mother Hannah to the promise of God – that from her barrenness she was to become a mother -- he now introduces the young boy to the word of the Lord.  So, Samuel learns to respond to God’s calling: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”.  Eli’s place in the scheme of things is to introduce others to the Lord and to their new vocations.  It was never about himself.  Eli is remembered and honoured as the one who was there when new beginnings took place.  In today’s gospel, we see John the Baptist introducing two of his own disciples to Jesus.  In doing so he introduces them to their new future.  The disciples follow Jesus and stay with him.  John points away from himself to Christ.  That is his role.  Andrew is one of the two disciples.  He leaves his master John to follow in the footstep of his new master Jesus.  He needs John the Baptist to point him in the right direction, to make a new start.  And what John the Baptist did to Andrew, Andrew does for his brother Simon.  He shares his experience of Jesus with his brother, and he introduces him to Jesus.  After experiencing for himself, by going and staying with Jesus for a day, he wanted his brother to experience what he had experienced himself too.

In our lives too, especially in our times of transitions and thresholds, we need people who are wise, who are not afraid to sit with us in our feelings of being lost and stuck.  Not every call that we hear comes from God.  Not every person we meet is wise.  Wisdom has nothing to do with age, gender or colour.  Sometimes unfortunately we listen to the wrong people to give us advice and then we regret it.  It takes an experienced person – someone who has gone and seen where the Lord lives, who can help discern the voice of God amidst the pressures and demands of everyday life.  Do you have such a third person in your life who can help you discern God’s little whispers?  If yes, you are blessed.  If no, do not wait any longer.  Go and find one.  And, if you have gone and seen, be one to someone else.

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

The next surgery will be on Wednesday the 24th January 2018.  There will be no surgery on Wednesday 17th January.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration - takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Evangelisation Pillar

Readers Meeting

On Monday 22nd January at 8pm in the church there will be a meeting for all existing Readers and anyone interested in becoming a Reader.

Pilgrimage to The Holy Land

On Thursday 25nd January at 8pm, a meeting will be held in the community centre for all who have expressed interest for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Eucharistic Ministers

On Monday 12th February at 8pm in the church there will be a meeting for all existing Eucharistic Ministers and anyone interested in becoming a Eucharistic minister.

Pre-Lenten Preparation

Is the Word of God Alive and Active in us?

How can the Bible help us towards a Joyful and Fulfilling Life?

In a series of 3 stand-alone talks in Beckenham, Petts Wood and Bromley, Fr Fio Mascarenhas SJ, an international speaker, will help us explore this theme between 6th to 8th February.  St James’ will host on Wednesday 7th February 8pm in the Community Hall.  You are warmly invited to come to this talk and to any of the other evenings.  For more details, see poster around the Church or contact Ken Chan on

Healing service

Fr Fio Mascarenhas will be presiding at a special service to celebrate World Day of the Sick / Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in church, on 11th February at 6.00pm.  There will be more details next week.

Alpha at St Theresa’s, Biggin Hill before and during Lent

A chance to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment.  Introductory session on Friday 19 January, from 7.15pm to 8.15pm.  Then nine further weekly sessions, starting Friday 26 January from 7.15pm to 9.15pm.  All at St Theresa’s Catholic Church, Haig Road, Biggin Hill.  Contact Stephen Walsh on 07778 612050 or  Visit

Pastoral Pillar

St James The Great 'Memory Café'

On Tuesday 6th February we will be starting a Dementia Café here at St James’ and it will be taking place on the first two Tuesdays of each month from 2pm to 3.30pm in the Community Centre.  This will be a time for guests with dementia and their carers to come for refreshments and a chat in a comfortable and safe environment and if they wish, join in with activities such as quizzes, games and music.  If you would like to know more, please contact: or telephone the Parish Office: 01689 827100.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Communication Pillar

We are looking for someone to help with updating the Parish website and advise on the best way to use the Facebook page.  If you are able to help please contact the parish office –

Thank You.

Youth Pillar

Are you a young person aged between 9-18yrs?

Read on to find out how you can take up the ‘Faith in Action’ challenge today!

‘Faith in Action’ is a national award scheme from CYMFED which challenges young people of faith to make a difference in the world through service and ongoing spiritual reflection.  There are four levels of the award - Pin, Bronze, Silver, Gold and each one recognises and celebrates the good work and positive contribution made by young people in their parishes, schools and communities.  In November 2017, we were delighted to celebrate the hard work and achievements of all young people who participated in Faith in Action last year and the 25 who received awards from Archbishop Peter Smith at the Faith in Action ceremony.

All young people in Bromley Deanery aged 9-18 years are invited to take part in the Faith in Action Award Scheme, which will launch for its’ second year on 27th January 2018 at 10.30am, St Joseph’s Church, Plaistow Lane, Bromley.  So, if you are a young person who reads at Mass, sings or plays an instrument in the choir, an altar server, helps or volunteers in your school or community in any way, then come along to register!

Alternatively, you may want to become involved but are not sure how to begin – come along to meet the team and learn more about the range of exciting opportunities open to you.  Take a look at our ‘Faith in Action Bromley Deanery’ videos on YouTube, Facebook @bromleydeanery, see our website: or email

Justice & Peace Group

The Justice and Peace group will meet on Wednesday 24th January at 7.45pm in the Parish Office meeting room (281A Crescent Drive).  All parishioners are assured of a warm welcome.

Foodbank requests

The current requirements have changed a lot since Christmas and now centre on: long life milk, biscuits, tinned potatoes, rice, jellies, instant whips, and household cleaning products.  Thanks to all our generous donors.  J&P Group

Parish Project fund raising event

We are planning a special event which will take place on Sunday 4th March in aid of St Catherine’s parish.  There will be food, music, dancing, a quiz and other attractions, all with the theme of the Philippines.  It will be timed for late afternoon, and suitable for families.  What better way to entertain and feed the family on a winter’s Sunday afternoon, and support our Parish Project.  Please put this in your diary now!  J&P Group.

Petts Wood Churches Together

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Shared Breakfast & Prayers on Sunday 21st January Petts Wood Methodist Church 8.30am.

Come and join the Petts Wood Churches Together for an early breakfast of bacon rolls with prayers and updates of needs, before attending your local services.  Please let the parish office know as soon as possible if you wish to attend.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

·         Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

·         So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

·         Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You, or they, can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

Saturday 20th January 2018

Cleaning the Church

Altar Servers, O Clutton, M Mathews, R Blanco, R Mwansa, D Delf


Wednesday Coffee

17th January

M Gyi, S Barradell, B D’Arcy


21st January 2018


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


M Gallagher

L & J Samuels

S & J Ingle



J Bajorek

M O’Mahony

B Cotta

C Hairs

N D’Silva

R Morrison


Ministers of Holy Communion

J Gribben

M Cahill

C Cahill

J Callinan

P Crosland

M Howell

S Cotta

A ward

D Hairs

B Cotta

N Longhrst

R Mwansa

K Chan

K Evans

A Evans





A Barradell

M Horner




L Lynch

S Barradell

M Harrington

S paris

R Scott


Altar Servers

J Macfadyen

A&D Poulton

R&F Norman-Brown

J Monaghan

P Marshall

L Delamain

F Ikenye

Z&E Teare




P Benson, N Longhurst